Ending The Cycle

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Speed is sitting in a black void, he had been sitting there since he had been trapped there for some time. He puts a paw to his chin

Speed: Hm... Next timeline i'm brought into can have anything, i need to figure out a way to stay in one timeline for a certain period of time

Withster: *Appears* How about you choose a different scenario? Like, you keep on choosing the same thing but remember that one time you chose a different one?

Speed: True... It's the best shot we have

The void glitches as he ends up with Stella riding a bike. She suddenly stops the bike

Stella: Wait... You have a tank?!

Speed: (Oh, this one) *nods*

Stella: That's good, maybe we could use that

Speed takes out a map from his neck fur and points at the location. Stella drove through the snowy lands


They finally reached the spot, they opened a garage in the middle of nowhere and a tank was right inside it

Stella: Why don't we get the riches from those Toppats?

Speed: *smiles*

Stella: Great!

They got on it

Stella: *Slams her paw* This bad boy is gonna help us a lot

They drove off to the train tracks... The Toppats were bringing a bunch of their valuables to space. They did an epic jump with the tank and lands on a moving vehicle, killing the Pokemons in it. They start preparing to attack them, even surrounding them. One comes out from the side of a vehicle with a sword cannon, he immediately begins to fire

Stella: We need to think of something!

Speed: *Puts a paw to his chin*




Speed noticed the timer and immediately started to choose fire but... Oh Arcue-

Before he could finish it, the timer ran out and Stella and him got shot and they died


Don't stop now!

Speed: (Stupid thing decided to betray me)

Stella: Do we have anything we can use?!

Speed: *shrugs*

Stella: Oh no...




Speed immediately picked fire and goes inside the tank, he fires the tank gun and the shell explodes in the distance, causing a lump of rocks to detach and block the tunnel.

Decidueye: Hah! You missed-

Then he noticed the debris blocking the path

Decidueye: Oh no!

He takes out his communicator. Mr. Macbeth is reading a newspaper when he gets the call

Mr. Macbeth: Hello... What?!

He turns to look at the blocked path and immediately stops the train. But due to it traveling at such a speed, it wasn't able to slow down. He takes out his communicator

-Toppat HQ-

A cyborg Right Hand Mon picked up a distress call

Right Hand Mon: Uh-huh... These guys can't handle a thing can they? *Sighs* Alright

ES AU: Speed JoltminWhere stories live. Discover now