Sunshine, The Tree-house And Attack on Town

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A few days has passed since that incident and Speed hasn't talked yet... Star moved away from Sunny Town with his family. Speed's friends were confused as to why he stopped talking, he wouldn't tell anyone about anything so they didn't know the reason... But he does talk to Withster in his head... Well Withster was also there to experience it so he knew the reason... Anyways Speed was still doing great even if he didn't talked that much... He did his missions with his team (Black joined Trace and Speed) and even ranked them up due to his endless choices... A few months passed and they went to the wish tower in hopes of finding Jirachi the wish maker... And they did in the last floor but while they were going up the floors, they encountered a very strange Pokemon which was very strong... But they manage to escape from there and went to the next floor... Black and Speed wanted to wish to revive their parents but that wasn't allowed.... So, Speed wished for a healing factor while Black saved it... Trace however tried to wish for a big apple... And Jirachi just teleported him an apple and gave him another wishing chance... It was after a few weeks and Speed was having a day off so he had a walk with his family and Crystal was whining

Crystal: But i don't wanna walk! My leg is tired!

Speed: And look who's the one walking here

They were on a stack... Speed on the bottom, Crystal on top of him and Flare on the top

Crystal: True...

Speed: Besides Flare is having fun

They look at him and saw him looking around with lile the most amazed face there ever was (Not true but you know)

Speed: See?

Crystal: Ya

They kept on walking until Crystal saw a broken down Tree-house but it wasn't very clear

Crystal: Hey what's that?

Speed: What?

She points to the tree-house

Speed: Hm? Probably nothing

Crystal: I don't think so... I'm gonna go check!

She jumps out from the middle and ran while Flare almost fell and Speed caught him

Speed: Hey! Be careful! You almost dropped Flare

Crystal was still running there

Crystal: Sorry... But i wanted to know what's in here

Speed: What do you mean by that?

Crystal: Meaning like a treasure or mo-

Speed: You sound ridiculous

She didn't answer back

Speed: Crystal? Are you okay?

Crystal: Yes... But...

Flare and Speed walked up there and also looked. They found an egg inside there

Crystal: Who could've left it in there?

Speed: I don't know but... I think we should take it with us

They went inside there and took the egg back into their house and placed it on their bed and covered it with blankets

Crystal: Do you think it will hatch?

Speed just nodded

Crystal: Oh... Now you're not talking again

Speed just smirked

Flare: Is it gonna be a boy or a girl?

Crystal burns everything

ES AU: Speed JoltminWhere stories live. Discover now