Captured, Escaping And A New Partner

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It started off on a beau-

*Pokemon attacks and gun shot sounds*

Well a beautiful but not peaceful day *sighs* anyways we can see our favourite Jolteon named Speed, running away from the cops after robbing a bank... He was gonna make it out but one of the cops decided to take a shortcut and he stopped Speed from escaping... Now Speed was put in a prison and his paw was pawcuffed, so he couldn't do anything... He was waiting for a cell transfer with a Sylveon... Speed looked up and saw a hole on the top... He fake coughed and signalled the Sylveon to boost him up, which she did... Speed broke the pawcuffs and used the ladder to help her up... She also broke the pawcuffs and looked at him

Sylveon: Uh... Thanks for helping, by the way, the names Stella

Stella raised up her paw for a... Pawshake? And Speed accepted it... He told his name... Just his name and they walked away together... (This is going to be convict allies but i'm gonna change how they escaped)

Stella: So... How did you get into prison?

Speed: Well...

This chapter is sponsored by Raid Shadow Legends. Raid Shadow Legends is an-

Author (Me): Shut up!

Okay ;-;

Author (Me): Now... Onto the story

Stella: I see... Must've been hard, huh?

Speed nodded, then he pointed at her

Stella: Oh me?

Speed nodded again

Stella: Well... A bank was robbed and the robber ran right past me... Giving me the money but since i didn't know what was going on, i was confused why he gave me it and left... After that a bunch of cops saw me and then captured me... My family is trying to help me get out but since you're here, it's fine now

Speed looked at her with a sad expression

Stella: What's wrong?

Speed: ...The family part...

Stella: Oh right ya... I'm sorry for you... Didn't know they were stupid to not believe you

Speed just chuckled at that

Stella: What about the kid?

Speed: She...

Is your house dirty with all the mess? If yes then buy our product.... The Clean Ninja!

Author (Me): Why are there ads today?!

Narrator: Idk

Author (Me): *Sighs* you know... Just ignore them and continue

Speed and Stella kept on walking until they find an exit... And there it was an exit from the vent... When they got out, two guards saw them and tried to attack them... It was another time attack for Speed... Hmm




Speed decided to run... He took Stella's paw and ran with her until some other guards stopped them and they got captured


Why are you running? Why are YOU running?

Speed was confused on the fail text while Stella was thinking of a way to get away from the guards... But in slow motion since the world is slow for a bit to Speed... Hmm

ES AU: Speed JoltminWhere stories live. Discover now