Framed and A New Life

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It was after a few days since the attack. Speed spent some time with Sunshine and he talked now. And not many things happened during that, only hanging out and stuff... But one day they went out to have some kind of... Bonding time? Something happened during that time

Pearl: How about we go shopping first?

The rest: okay

They went inside a shop and bought some clothes and such... They paid and then left after that

Black: Did we seriously need to buy clothes?

Pearl: I guess since Crystal and Silvia wanted it

Black: Oh

Crystal: Hey, can we go somewhere to eat?

Silvia: Yeah

Pearl: I guess... It's noon anyways so let's go grab some lunch

The rest: Okay

They went inside a restaurant called Hi-Five... Weird name

Speed: This seems like a nice place to eat

Sunshine: Daddy, have you gone to this place before?

Speed: No i haven't but why did you ask?

Sunshine: I just wanted to know more

Speed: *Chuckles* Okay then

They soon find a seat and they ordered some foods... (I'm not saying what they are since i don't know any food in their world... Or i guess i could use real life food but i'm not writing it down)

After that they headed towards a gift shop but... Speed heard a sound somewhere so he decided to inspect it

Speed: I'm gonna go somewhere, i'll be back

Pearl: Okay

Speed walked away while the rest were looking at the gift shope... Sunshine wanted some dolls same with Silvia... While Speed checked where the sound was... It was in an alleyway... He saw a Jolteon holding a gun with a Raticate on the floor... He seemed to have shot the Raticate since it was bleeding and it's eyes were closed... Speed tried to walk away but the other Jolteon heard him... Then he smiled... He ran to him and since Speed didn't know what to do, he just stood there until the Jolteon gave him the gun and he ran back to the Raticate... He then shouted

Jolteon: Someone help! This Jolteon here shot my friend!

Alot of Pokemons heard that and they went over there... The Eeveelution ran there aswell... They all saw Speed holding a gun... And they saw the Jolteon holding a dead Raticate with blood on it...  A police ran there and saw Speed... He ran to him, tackled him down and then... Pawcuffed him? They looked at him in disgust as they thought he killed the Raticate... Speed tried to explain himself but they didn't listen... Nobody did... They knew him as an outlaw and they called him that aswell... Speed was still standing there until Crystal walked over to

Speed: C-crystal! Y-you know i-i didn't do this, right?

But since he was holding the gun and the other Jolteon was with the dead Raticate... She didn't believe him

Crystal: No i don't...

And she walked away... Same goes with the rest while Sunshine was just crying  cause she believed he didn't do it but she couldn't walk to him since they kept her away from him... Trace was there but... He didn't believe Speed did it... There was no CCTV there so he couldn't show evidence... Trace was thinking as Speed was brought to a jail... Trace went to him and talked with him... (You know during the time when Prisoners can talk to their loved ones or friends... I don't know much about prison alright!) And left since he couldn't find evidence... Speed was trapped there... The Pokemons saw him as a criminal now... Speed was pawcuffed (XD) and he couldn't escape the place...

ES AU: Speed JoltminWhere stories live. Discover now