How it began

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So uhh... Guys i couldn't make the Speed Watcher AU. (cause i didn't like it) So i made this instead... And i would explain somethings right here... Speed will have the ability to choose options (like in the game) but he gets random items, stuffs and power ups from me, and this is gonna be in my other story (I mean the universe travel thing) and the fails too... After a fail, time will reset back to the moment before he made the mistake and also unlike the game, he can choose who can remember the rewinds but also make them forget it... Hope you enjoy this

Inside a large forest known as Green Hill Forest, there was a broken up tree house. And inside that tree-house were three eggs...

One of the eggs: *cracking sounds*

Oh and it seems that one of them is hatching... Well let's see what Pokemon it is

After the egg hatched: *A brown fluffy cute thing can be seen*

Ah! It appears that it is an Eevee... Well, let's see if he's going to be our next Henry Stickmin power holder

Eevee: M-mommy? D-daddy? *Almost cries* Wh-where are y-you? *Wipes tears* No I-i shouldn't just c-cry like this. I need to figure something out

He heard a growl from his stomach

Eevee: Well i guess i have to find some food

He went out on search for food

-A minute before an hour later-

Eevee: Hmm... This should do. *Eats a bit of some berries* Yum! They taste good... *He then heard a crack* Huh?

The other egg hatches and another one comes out

Eevee #2: Wh-who are you? *Scared*

Eevee #1: I'm your older brother

Eevee #2: Older brother?

Eevee #1: Yes

Eevee #2: Big brother! *She tackle hug him*

Eevee #1: Hey hey, calm down will ya?

Eevee #2: Sorry... So, where's mom and dad?

Eevee #1: I don't know but i will find them one day *Says in a heroic way*

Eevee #2: Okay but *A growl comes from her stomach* i'm hungry

Eevee #1: Oh! I got some food for you

Eevee #2: Really!?

Eevee #1: Yup

Eevee #2: *Went to the berries and ate them* These are good!

Eevee #1: I know but it's hard to find them

Eevee #2: Oh... *Has a sad face on*

Eevee #1: Oh come on, don't give me that look

Eevee #2: But but... What if you get hurt?

Eevee #1: I willl not, i promise

Eevee #2: You do?

Eevee #1: Yup

Eevee #2: Okay! *Continues eating*

Eevee #1: *Notices something* Hmm... *Went over to it* What's this?

It seems to be a book, and on the cover it says dictionary

Eevee #1: Hmm... I'm gonna learn how to read

Eevee #2: Can i aswell?

Eevee #1: Sure

Then they both learned how to read and after a year or so... Another egg hatched! Brilliant right? And the same thing happens like the Eevee being scared and finding out that their his older siblings and such blah blah blah and the next thing is Eevee #1 Finding their name from a conversation of a Mankey and a Zubat and Eevee #1 being named Speed, Eevee #2 being named Crystal and Eevee #3 being named SolarFlare or Flare for short and he couldn't pronounce his name right, such a cute and adorable bean... But anyways this is where things go a little different and this where the Feraligator attack happens... After the roof crashed on him Speed pushed Crystal and Flare and the roof crushed him while the Feraligator went away... Crystal and Flare were crying while Speed was inside the fallen roofs but there was space for him to move and such and he was still alive...

ES AU: Speed JoltminWhere stories live. Discover now