Signs (Joey)

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"Hey Mon

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"Hey Mon." You smile at her coming into her and Rach's apartment.

"Hey Y/n you okay?"

"Yeah I was just wondering whether I could use your bathroom real quick?" Mon furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"I'm yeah sure but why not yours across the hall?"

"Cause Joey's home and I don't want to do want I'm trying to do there."

"Wait what?!"

"Ugh fine I'll tell you but you have to promise me you won't tell anyone else." You groaned pointing your finger at Monica sternly.

"I promise what is it?"

"I think I'm pregnant." You mumbled just loud enough for Monica to hear. She instantly started to squeal and hug you tightly repeating the phrase 'oh my god!'

"Okay okay. I don't know the result yet." You chuckles as she releases her grasp from you pushing you into the bathroom then sitting down on the floor outside the door waiting for you.

"You done yet hun?"

"Just waiting now." Your voice came from the other side of the door. Now you just had to wait 3 minutes for the results. And boy did those three minutes feel like 3 hours.

You walked out the door when the 3 minutes were up you had the test face down so you could find out with someone. You turned over the test and immediately grabbed Monica's hand.

"You okay sweetie?" Monica held your hand tightly.

"I'm pregnant." Yous how her the test as tears brim your eyes with happiness.

"Awwww sweetie I'm so happy for you Joey is going to be over the moon."

"I don't want to tell him yet. Not for a few weeks. Promise me you won't tell anyone."

"Yeah yeah of course sweetie, ohh but I'm so happy for you." She hugs you tightly again.

"Thanks Mon."


"Hey Mon?" Phoebe turns her head to look at Monica cooking in the kitchen as she hums in response to Phoebe.

"How many weeks is Y/n?" Phoebe asks bluntly.

"Is I - I don't know what you mean." Monica chuckles nervously turning back round to continue cooking.

"Please I was pregnant with triplets I know the signs." Phoebe scoffs walking into the kitchen grabbing a plate.

"Okay fine I don't know all I know is that she's-" Monica imitates a pregnant bump to finish her sentence. "But promise you don't tell anyone else especially Joey, Y/n will tell him when she's ready."

"Okay." Phoebe shrugs just as Joeys comes through the door.

"Hello." Joey greets everyone in a sing song voice.

"Hey." Monica and Phoebe greet him back.

"Do you know what's up with Y/n?" Joey asks suddenly.

"What do you mean?" Monica shrugs. "Hey Joe you want some?" Monica pointed to what she was cooking at a bad attempt of changing the subject.

"No I'm fine. I just don't know what's going on with her she's acting so weird. I'm worried she's gonna like- break up with me or something." Joey sighed heavily sitting down placing his head in his hands.

"Hey it's alright she won't break up with you she loves you." Monica comforted to him.

"So why is she acting so weird?" Monica's heart melted at Joey's confusion and thought of a way she could help him without breaking your promise.

"Okay how is she acting weird?"

"I made her, her favourite sandwich and she took one bite of it and ran to the bathroom." Joey began to explain. "She seems to be getting more and more impatient with me when I feel like I did nothing wrong."

"Do - do you remember when Pheebs was pregnant?" Monica asked as a Joey nodded confused. "Do you remember how she acted."

There were a few moments of silence with Joey seeming in deep thought till his eyes widened and his mouth opened wide and moved but no words came out. "OH MY GOD!" Joey pointed to the door referencing to you in the apartment across the hall. "OH MY GOD!"

"Joey you need to calm down."

"Calm down?! Y/n- y- y/n is pregnant!?!!!" Monica nodded. "OH MY GOD."

"Sweetie you've got to promise to to let her know that you know because she will kill me cause I wasn't supposed to tell you."

"I can't! I CAN'T!!" Joey shook his head frantically rushing out the room and into his apartment, Monica silently cursing herself for letting it out.

Joey startled you as you lay on the couch watching TV as he stormed in, slamming the door shut. "You okay babe?" you furrow your eyebrows with concern standing up as he rushes up to you. He immediately brings you into a tight, warm hug. "Joe you okay?"

"We're going to be parents!" He squeals quietly into your neck. Yours eyes widened as you realised Monica either let it slip or Joey worked it out, the first one sounding more probable.

"Yeah." You smile hugging him tightly back. "Yeah we are."

F.R.I.E.N.D.S imagines and preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now