It's okay (Rachel)

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Rachel had known you for as long as she could remember

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Rachel had known you for as long as she could remember. You were best friends with her and Monica in high school. You lost closeness when Rachel went out of touch when she moved away for college as Monica and you ended up going to the same college, sharing a dorm and everything becoming closer by the second.When Rachel came back into the lives of you and Monica, it turned out that your's and Rachel's closeness remained and grew more and more everyday.

Rachel always knew that family meant a lot to you. So when your Nana got sick she was always there for you. She even accompanied you to some of the doctor appointments you to. Held your hand when you got bad news about your Nana's health.

Rachel rushed into the room all cheerful about her day at work, having finally got right, everything was perfect about her day. "Hey guys you will never guess what happened at work today?!" Rachel squealed with excitement, shrugging her jacket off, placing it on the hanger, approaching the others. But her features softening and her expression changed when she read the room, and it wasn't happy.

Ross was sat next to Monica, rubbing her back soothingly as she was weeping into her hands. Joey and Chandler near to each other, Chandler mainly comforting Joey, Joey was one of your closest friends and from what he had just witnessed, it'd hurt him.

"What's going on?"

"Rach why don't you come and sit down?" Rachel furrowed her eyebrows in confusion but still complied. She sat next to Chandler who reach and intertwined his fingers with hers, knowing she'd need it later.

"What's going on? You guys are seriously freaking me out!" Rachel rambled in a panic. "Where's Y/n?" Rachel suddenly realised the one person who wasn't there.

"Um sweetie Y/n had to rush off." Monica removed her hands from her face wiping her tears away. "Her Nana's been rushed into hospital. She wanted to ring you, I think she did or I don't know."

"Pheebs is down there with her right now." Joey explained sniffling. "We spoke to her a while ago whilst she was waiting for Y/n, it's not looking good."

The group sat there in silence, waiting in agony for at least some news. The sound of the door opening and closing echoed through the apartment making everyone look up to see Phoebe but not you.

"Hey Pheebs." Everyone greeted sadly in unison. "So?" Monica spoke up, looking hopeful. But Phoebe shook her head, tears brimming everyone's eyes.

"She said she wanted alone time she went for a walk." Phoebe took her coat off and sat next to Joey leaning in his shoulder.

"Do you guys remember when she came to one of my plays with Y/n?" Joey reminisced about the past experiences everyone shared with your Nana. She was almost like part of the group.

"Do you remember when Nana died and she held both of our hands at the funeral?" Ross smiled at Monica, her returning it.

"And her cookies!" Chandler sighed happily in memories of the cookies she made as if he could almost still taste how delicious they were.

The group spent longer reminiscing about all the lovely memories they shared with your Nana. They all went to bed when they got tired, Joey and Chandler across to their apartment, Monica into her room and Phoebe and Ross back to their places. Rachel however taking her duvet from her room with a few pillows from her bed and sat back down on the couch, wanting to wait up for you.

As the hours dragged on and you didn't come back, Rachel grew more and more concerned about you, the TV in the background not being enough to distract her. She probably thought that you would have went back to your apartment for space, may not wanting to talk to anyone at the moment.

There was a knock at the door, Rachel forgetting the possibility of it being you until she opened the door to see your tired face.

"Hi." Rachel breathed out.

"Is it okay if I stay with you? I have no where else to go?" You sniffle. Rachel didn't give you a verbal response she just instantly wrapped her arms round your waist bringing in you close. She didn't let you out of her arms as she puled you over to the couch, her laying down first you landing on top of her wrapping your arms round her waist resting your head on her chest as she threaded her fingers through your hair.

"I miss her already." you mumbled breaking the comfortable silence.

"I miss her too sweetie."

"She loved you, you know?"


"Yeah, she adored you even."

"I loved her too. But do you know how I love more?" you shook your head. "You." Rachel smiled. "Don't tell anyone else but you're my favourite out of the group." you chuckled. "You're laugh is my favourite thing as well, and you're smile, you're jokes which are way better than Chandler's."

"If I knew any better I'd say you might be I love with me Rachel Karen Green." you smirk.

"Hey don't go middle naming me. Also maybe a little bit. But we'll talk about it after you feel a bit better." Rachel held you tighter kissing your head.

"I love you too Rachel, thank you for being here for me."

"You don't have to thank me I'll always be here for you."

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