The One With The Fake Party (Joey)

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Rachel had thrown a part for Emily, a 'Bon Voyage' party, when it was really for Joshua

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Rachel had thrown a part for Emily, a 'Bon Voyage' party, when it was really for Joshua. You and Joey were sat on his chair, you on his lap resting your head on his shoulder.

Phoebe comes over with a sandwich in her hands as she sits down on the chair next to them.

"You alright Pheebs?" You turn to look at her. She just shrugs and sighs and continues to eat her meat sandwich.

"Pheebs what- what are you doing?" Joey furrows his eyebrow sitting up causing you to sit up as well.

"I can't help it. I need the meat. The baby needs the meat." Phoebe sighs heavily placing both hands on her growing bump.

"All right look, y'know how-y'know how when you're dating someone and you don't want to cheat on them, unless it's with someone really hot?" Joey explains as both women look to glare at him before Joey starts stuttering at his girlfriends glee. "Ok bad example but you know what I'm talking about?"

"Yeah totally!"

"All right. Okay. Well this is the same kind of deal. If you're going to do something wrong." He stands up and heads to the fridge both you and Phoebe following him as he takes two steaks out. "Do it right!"

"You feeling better now?" Joey turns to Phoebe who's finished off her steak as so did he.

"Yeah, but at what cost? Six more months, three meals a day, I'm gonna eat like, y'know millions of cows."

"Naw it's okay Pheebs." You walk over to them and place a hand on her shoulder rubbing it soothingly. As she placed her hand on top of yours holding it.

"Hey, what if I said, I could even things out for ya, meatwise." You and Phoebe furrow your eyebrows at your boyfriend. "Well, I eat a lot of meat right?" You both nod humming in agreement. "Well, suppose until the baby's born I laid off it. No extra animals would die, you-you'd just be eating my animals."

"Joey, I can't believe you would do that for me." Phoebe smiles widely as she placed a hand to her chest.

"Absolutely! I could be a vegetarian. Right?" He looks up at you as you hesitated to nod. "There's no meat in beer, right?" He widened his eyes.

"No babe you're fine." You chuckle.


"Morning baby." Joey comes out of your shared room, rubbing his eyes sleepily approaching you slowly as you cooked your breakfast. He wrapped his arms round your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder watching what you were doing.

"Whatcha cooking?" Joey asked with interest.

"Some bacon. For some sandwiches for breakfast." You turned your head to give him a quick kiss on the cheek making him blush.

"Ohhhh you know what sandwiches are also good for breakfast-"

"Chicken?" You ask whilst placing a chicken breast on the pan where you were also cooking the bacon .

"Ohhhh mama." Joey whines. Humming in pleasure watching the meat cook. "By the way do you know how long till Pheebs' baby is born?"

"Six months." You answer bluntly.

"Ugh. Now if a cow should die of natural causes, I can have one of those right?" He bits his bottom lip.

"Not if Pheebs or me get there first!" You smile knowing he was longing for a piece of bacon in front of him.

"This gonna be absolute torture." Joey sighs placing his head, lifting it after placing a kiss to your shoulder. "Will you join me in this.

"Hell no!" You scoff but laugh again when you hear him groan into your neck again.

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