I'm Here (Rachel)

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Saying Rachel Green liked Y/n was an understatement

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Saying Rachel Green liked Y/n was an understatement. Rachel was head over heels for the younger girl. She took every chance to talk with her. To be close with her. To touch her. To hug her. Just to feel her presence.

Tonight wasn't one of the nights Rachel could be close to Y/n, and it was when she needed her most. Y/N's sister was in town so she went to go catch a movie with her living Rachel alone in Monica's apartment where Y/n lived aswell. Rachel moving across the hall, living with Joey as Monica and Chandler were together.

The girls at work were talking about movies at Rachel's work when they got onto the topic of horror movies. The girls were talking about a movie called Cujo, which Rachel hadn't watched and from what they weee saying it wasn't half bad, so Rachel stupidly decided to attach to, on her own.

Rachel jumped up on the sofa when the lights flicked on to see Y/n coming through the door looking tired tossing her keys into the bowl on the counter. "Hey what's up with you, why are you all jumping?" Y/n gestured to Rachel wrapped in a blanket holding her legs up to her chin.

"The girls at work told me to watch Cujo."

"And you're watching it on your own?!"

"Yeah I didn't think it would this bad! Can you come watch it with me I can't do it on my own any longer!" Rachel whined holding out her hand for Y/n to take.

"Stay there I'm gonna get changed. You nutter." Y/n sighed chuckling to herself, shaking her head at Rachel's actions. She changed out of the clothes she'd been in all day into comfortable clothes a pair of comfy shorts, paired with a tank top and a fluffy cardigan in top.

"Are you sure you want to still watch it?" Y/n asked her with concern at her terrified face cowering into the blanket even more now.

"Yeah I'll be fine." Rachel scooped closer to the girl slightly leaning on her. Then a jump scare came on startling Rachel. "Oh no I can't do it." She hide her face in Y/N's neck pushing herself further into the girls body, letting the warmth take over her and comfort her.

"Alright we'll turn it off." Y/n grabbed the remote from the coffee table and changed the TV anode, ejecting the tape out of the TV a putting the TV onto normal tele. "It's off now you can look." Rachel turned her face from Y/N's neck resting it on her shoulder instead watching the channel to try and forget about it.

Sleep overtook Rachel's body, snoring softly still resting on Y/N's shoulder. Y/n carefully changed her position to laying down on the sofa, throwing the blanket over her properly to keep her warm. Going into her old room getting in her own bed.

Y/n lay there reading her book for a few minutes before she heard a faint knock on her bedroom door. She whispered a quiet come in careful not to wake Monica and Chandler. Rachel's fragile body came into the room and from what Y/n could see from the dim light of her beside lamp she was shaking. "C'mere." She opened an arm for her as Rachel crawled into bed wrapping herself in the duvet. The familiar, comforting smell of Y/n washing over her.

"Did I wake you?" Her small voice sounded through the silence.

"No don't worry. Nightmare?" Y/n placed her bookmark in the book before putting it on the table beside her, facing Rachel as Rachel nodded.

"That stupid movie." She slightly chuckled making Y/n smile. "Is it alright if I sleep in here with you tonight?"

"You don't have to ask." Y/n held her hand rubbing her thumb on the back of her hand soothingly. "Goodnight." Y/n turned round as Rachel copied, Y/n turning off the beside lamp then turning back off to face Rachel's back. Sleep consuming both of them.

The bright, morning sunlight seeped through the blinds in Y/N's room. Rachel the first person to wake up. Keeping her eyes closed wanting to go back to sleep she squeezed and held the duvet in her arms closer to her. She realised that the thing she had in her arms didn't feel like a duvet, she slowly opened her eyes, adjusting to the light. She looked up to she that her head was rested on Y/N's chest who was still sound asleep. Y/N's arm round round her body, one of each other's hands holding each other, fingers intertwined, and legs entangled.

She rested her head back on Y/N's chest feeling the girls for beneath her. "Morning." Y/n grumbled rubbing her eyes. "How did you sleep?"

"Great thanks for letting me stay."

"You are welcome anytime." Y/n gives Rachel a sleepy smile making Rachel's heart melt.

"Thank you. I love you." She snuggled further into Y/n not wanting to get out of bed yet.

"I love you too."

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