Hold still (Rachel)

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It was Rachel's birthday party but you couldn't make it as you were visiting your family in New Jersey. You apologised to her multiple times but she reassured you that it was all okay and that she didn't mind and that she would do something with just you after you got back. 

However now you were limping back to apartment were a cut on your lip and bruises all over. You walked back into the apartment, sad about not being able to go to visit your family and that you got mugged. 

Everyone gasped as they saw your state when you walked in. "Sweetie are you okay?" Monica grabbed your shoulders gently guiding you to the chair Joey was pulling out for you. 

"I- I was trying to get a cab and this guy came up to me and tried to take my wallet from me." your voice shook at recalling of the memory. "And I fought him off I managed to get my wallet back but he didn't give up until this woman came to help me."

"Oh sweetie." Rachel sighed pulling up a chair next to you wrapping an arm round your shoulder. "Oh hi Mrs Green." you look up to see Rachel's. um. "And everybody else." you drag out. "How's the party?" you tried to act normal but the cuts and bruises all on your face wasn't helping.

"Sweetie forget about the party okay?" Rachel stood up and grabbed your hand pulling you up and guiding you into the bathroom, after getting some ice from the freezer in a ziplock bag. "Hold the ice to the bruises on your head." Rachel placed the ziplock bag in your hand, still holding your hand as she guided it to your forehead where your biggest bruise was. 

She wet a flannel she grabbed from the kitchen, putting it under the running water, squeezing the excess water rout of the flannel. "Hold still sweetie, it might sting a little." she held the underneath of your chin tilting it up slightly dapping the wet part of the flannel on the cut on your lip, wiping it softly. To clean it better she moved her hand from under her chin to cupping her cheek her thumb resting on the corner of her lip. 

"You know sometimes you give me a heart attack." Rachel smirks.


"No it's good. If you never scared me, I wouldn't know I love you."

"I love you too."

"This is what you get when you ditch me on my birthday." Rachel chuckles.

"You said you were fine with it." you whined.

"I'm kidding." Rachel rolls her eyes. "You're cute when you panic."

"You're cute when you're mean to me."

"Okay enough flirting Y/l/n let's go make you even more beautiful." Rachel took your hand once again taking you into her room lending you one of her dresses to wear for her party. Throughout the whole party Rachel held your hand, stroking the back of it with her thumb to keep you calm when you got slightly annoyed at the fact that everyone at the party kept asking you what happened and if you were okay, you just wanting to forget about it. 

F.R.I.E.N.D.S imagines and preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now