A Friendly Kiss? (Rachel)

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You and Rachel have been close since you can remember

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You and Rachel have been close since you can remember. You were at the same high school as Monica and her and were always close with Mon from your first day, then Rachel and Mon became close and then you and Rachel. You became like the Golden Trio it wasn't the most likely friendship but you were always close. Partly because you always had a massive crush on Rachel.

Then when you left for college Rachel didn't keep in touch but you always remained close with Monica to lead you to where you are today, living in the apartment next to Monica still as close as ever. In addition to that Rachel had come back into both of your lives recently, she lived with Monica and became close with Ross and the friends you made over the years; Phoebe, Chandler and Joey.

It was safe to say that when you saw Rachel again all those feelings came rushing back from high school, from the day she burst into the coffee house soaking wet in her wedding dress from running from her fiancé. Those feelings were back and they had grew even more as you and Rachel became closer then ever, spending most of your free time together, reminiscing about your terrible dates with terrible men laughing all night about them.

You didn't know but Rachel's feelings for you from high school grew just like it did for you. And as they grew the more she wanted to be around you, and the more you hung out.

One night on the balcony you were holding your sides laughing at Rachel explaining all the horrible things that Barry did that gave her the ick, leading onto you doing the same with your recent ex. She then turned to you and the mood instantly changed and asked you.

"Have you ever been on a terrible date with a woman?" You realised you were bisexual during high school and Monica and Rachel stood by your side and supported you. Rachel mainly talking to you about your crushes on girls, most of them fake to try and cover up the fact that you were madly in love, head over heels, for her.

"I haven't been on a date with a woman for ages. I don't know why I think it's because there this person that's set high standards for me women wise and when I did go on dates it didn't feel the same as when I was with her."

"So why aren't you with her."

"I don't know how she feels about me." You shrugged as Rachel stood up swiftly closing the distance between your bodies staring into your eyes brushing the hair from your face.

"You drive me crazy Y/n." Rachel placed a hand on your cheek bringing your face closer to hers your lips closing the last little bit of distance between you.

That was months ago now you and Rachel are happily dating. You finally had your dream come true and hers too. Of course you didn't tell anyone, one Rachel had never been in this type of relationship and she wanted to take it slow and tell the others when she was ready. You had no problem as you knew your friends, like for Joey, you'd never hear the end of his over fantasised thoughts.

When you started dating, Rachel was working in the coffee shop but always had the dream to work in fashion which you encouraged. You knew some people and got her an interview at the one and only Ralph Lauren, she immediately quit at the coffee house and too her high chances at the interview. And just like you know she would she got the job.

Now this lead to where you are now. You were in Monica's apartment watching TV a with your legs on Phoebes lap as she traced patterns on your leg. Monica was cooking dinner ready for tonight as her parents were coming over and Rachel was rushing around the apartment trying to get the perfect outfit for her first day. "Purse! Purse! Where's my purse?!" Rachel rushed out of her room in a panic. You instantly pointed to the armchair without looking away from the TV.

"Thank you."

"Each calm down you'll be fine."

"I will not be fine Y/n if I'm late on my first day." Rachel ran back into her room coming out soon after with a pair of heels on and shrugging a jacket on. "Alright I'll see you later, wish me luck. See ya." Rachel ran out of the door, slamming behind her.

"Bye." All three of you mumbled in unison turning back to what you were doing before. Until a slam startled you as Rachel rushed back into the apartment.

"Forgot my keys." Rachel ran back out l, hearing the footsteps fade but then the clatter of her heels coming back. "Forgot my wallet." Rachel ran to the side table next to the sofa you were sat on then sprinted back out. She then sprinted back in for the third time.

"Oh my god just go already!" Monica grumbled but her expression changed as Rachel ran straight towards you.

"Forgot this aswell." Rachel wrapped both her hands at the back of your neck bringing you into a soft but passionate kiss which seemed to last forever which you had no problem with obviously. But as Rachel forgot about the two other women in the room with you, your eyes widened still remembering their presence. "Thank you for this, see you later love." She bought you foreheads together giving you a little wink between the two of you before giving the tip of your nose a kiss before rushing off again.

"So I'm guessing you saw that?" You cringed breaking the silence in the room.

"Yuh huh! What the hell was that?" Monica yelled waving the spatula around in her hand.

"We'll I guess the cats is already out of the bag. Me and Rach are kinda dating?" You hide yourself behind your magazine scared of the fact Monica was still holding the spatula with hot oil dripping from it.

"Meh I always knew." Phoebe shrugged and went back to tracing patterns on your legs.

"What how?!" Monica yelled again.

"We'll the way they look at each other. And their thoughts aren't exactly quiet." Phoebe smirked to herself.

"What are you a mind reader?" You furrowed your eyebrows at her.

"You have no idea!" Phoebe chuckled to herself.

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