Human Pillows and Throwing Sandwiches

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*Pic on the side is (Jessica Green) Kate*


I woke up and streched out on my bed, nearly rolling off when my arm came into contact with someone else. My eyes shot open and I let out a sigh of relief when I saw that I still had my dress on. I groaned once I sat up because my head started pounding. I quickly walked to the bathroom when I felt something rush up my throat, flipped up the lid and made it into the bowl at just the right time.

"Are you okay?" Louis rushed in and knelt next to me. He pulled my hair out of my face and rubbed my back.

I sighed and looked at him, "I feel disgusting."

"I figured." He chuckled and stood up, grabbing a small towel and making it damp before he handed it to me. I thanked him and wiped off my face before standig up and flushing the toilet.

"Looks like someone partied a little too hard last night." Sky laughed as she stood in my doorway.

"Shut up and love me." I whined, opening my arms. She rolled her eyes and walked in, climbing on the bed next to me and hugging me.

"You small like vom." She scrunched up her nose and I whined.

"My head is pounding, I think I'm gonna die!"

"Louis, why did you let her drink that much?" Sky looked over at him as he rolled around on my bed.

"I didn't know she didn't drink before coming here, I figured she knew the consequences." He stopped rolling and shrugged.

"You really need to get to know your girlfriend." She scolded before grabbing me and tugging my dress up from the bottom.

I smiled when she said that. Girlfriend. I'm Louis' girlfriend? How does that stuff even work.

"Do you need any help?" Louis asked, his eyes averting from us and looking down at his feet where he now stood awkwardly.

"Go get her a new set of clothes." Sky ordered before shutting the door and starting the shower water.

"You're not allowed to drink anymore." She said as she pulled my dress off. I smiled sheepishly, feeling bad for making her help me.

"I'll go get those clothes from Louis, go on and get in." She says before exiting the bathroom. I remove my undergarments and step into the shower. The water is slightly cold, but I don't mind. It makes the nauseous feeling go away.

"You're clothes are on the counter, Kate and I will be waiting for you in her room." I hear Sky say before the door shuts again.

I can't help but wonder how I became close to them. Maybe because Kate needed someone to talk to when the whole Sky, Harry, and Ashley thing happened. Eventually things cooled down and I got close to Sky as well. Ashley and I drifted apart, but I don't mind. I've made some different friends, and she's focused on Harry. I hope they're a match, because it's going to crush her if they aren't.

Just as I shut off the water I feel the vomit rushing up my throat again. I quickly wrap myself in the towel and dart for the toilet. I shut the lid and flush when I finish and rest my head on the seat.

When I'm about ready to stand up, the door opens and Louis pokes his head in. I feel too sick to care that the only thing covering my body is a towel and sigh, "I'm fine, I promise."

"Right, sorry." He purses his lips and looks away from me.

"It's fine, I'm not naked so you don't have to worry." I say, surprised at my confidence. Not that I've said anything bad, but normally I'd be embarrassed and wouldn't even say that. I should be freaking out right now, because there's a chance he could've seen me naked. I'm just too disgusted with the way I feel to care.

He just chuckles and takes a step further into the room. I stand up, still hugging the towel to my nude body.

"I was wondering, and I already talked to John, but maybe you'd want to go out with me tonight, if you feel better? If not we can go out tomorrow." He looks down and fiddles with his fingers. I instantly start to feel better, despite the awkward situation.

"Yeah, I'd love to. Tonight is fine."

He looks up at me and smiles. I return it and he strides over to me, placing his hand on either side of my face and kissing my lips. I smile again, and he repeats the action before just staring at me.

"Hey, Louis?"

"Mhm?" He questions.

"Do you think you could leave so I can get dressed?" I question, causing him to laugh and nod before walking out.

I quickly dressed in the baggy sweatpants and plain white shirt that was on the counter, squeezed my hair in my towel, and exited the bathroom. I put on a pair of socks before walking to Kate's room. She sat on her bed, talking to Sky and Niall, who looked up at me.

"Hey, sicky." He chirped. I sent him a forced smile and walked to the bed, lying next to him.

"Are you contagious, because if I get sick I'll die." He says as he slowly scoots away from me.

"Shut up." I joke and roll closer to him, but he pushes me away.

"Spray yourself with some Lysol and I'll let you come near me." He chuckles.

"Shut up before I make you my human pillow." I whine, but he just pushes me away and shakes his head, "No, no, I'm not getting sick."

"Suit yourself," I get up and lay my head on his stomach.

"If you get me sick I will literally kill you." He warns me.

"I'll take that chance. Besides, you're comfy. I should make you my personal pillow." I grin. He just laughs and we look at Kate and Sky, who look amused by our whole conversation.

"Stop judging us!" Niall shouts, just as Ashley appears in the doorway.

"Awe, you guys look cute! But Harry and Zayn made some food so if you want some come down and get it." She said before disappearing again

"Want us to bring you guys some?" Sky asks as she and Kate both get up. We nod and they walk down to get us food.

"Your hair is making my shirt wet." He informs me as he tries to push me off of him.

"Pillows don't complain, they comfort people." I joked as I buried my face deeper into his stomach.

"I'm not a pillow!" He exclaimed. I giggled and sat up, only to get hit in the face with a sandwich.

"Food!" Niall exclaims and grabs the sandwich before taking a bite out of it.

"That was on my face. I hope you get sick." I say, just to bother him. I know he won't get sick, because  I was only throwing up because of how intoxicated I was.

His eyes widen and he throws the sandwich back at my face, causing all of us to start laughing.

I've made an interesting group of friends.

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