The Club Cliché

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*Pic on the side is (Jessica Lowndes) Kate*

When we arrived at the club music could already be heard from outside. We got out and the driver walked up to the guard before we were waved to go inside. There were bodies littered everywhere. Some were dancing, some sitting against the walls, and some at the bar and on the couches and other seats. It was a mess in here, and it smelled like a mixture of different perfumes and sweat.

"Party time!" Sky yelled, grabbing my hand. Oh dear god. We went right to the bar, pushing past some people. She ordered something and Kate handed it to me before taking a sip of what Sky got for her.

"What is this?" I shouted over the music.

"Just drink it!" Kate rolled her eyes. I took a deep breath before tilting my head up and making a clear passage so it could flow straight down my throat.

"Ew." I scrunched up my face and placed the small glass back on the counter.

"Another set of three." Sky told the bartender. Fantastic.

"Here you go." He handed them to us and I grabbed it, doing the same as before and shutting my eyes after it was down. Two shots and I already feel like I'm going to vomit.

"There you are." Someone wrapped their arms around me from behind and rested their chin on my shoulder. I quickly turned around and sighed out of relief when I saw Louis.

"You wanna dance?" He asked. I nodded furiously, wanting to get away from Kate and Sky before they get me completely trashed.

"One sec." He looked at the bar and ordered something. I wanted to run away when I saw the bartender push two drinks forward. Louis handed one to me. I could run, the door isn't that far. Get out of this mess and move to a different state.

"Are you gonna drink it or not?" Louis snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Uh, yeah." I grabbed it and was relieved when it wasn't as strong as the drinks Kate and Sky made me take.

"Now we can go." He smiled at me and grabbed my hand, leading me to the dance floor. Shots by LMFAO was playing and we stayed jumping up and down. By now I knew I was either overly hyper or drunk. Possibly even both. God only knows.

I continued dancing when Louis went to use the restroom.

"Can I buy you a drink?" Some guy slipped in front of me. I stopped dancing and internally panicked, looking the way Louis left. Where are Sky and Kate when I need them?

"Megan!" Someone called. I turned around, but I had no idea where the voice came from.

"Sure." I smiled weakly. He grinned and lead me back to the bar, taking a seat. I told him to order whatever, which was a bad idea because he ordered some lethal concoction that tasted terrible.

"So what's your name?" He questioned.

"Megan." I mumbled and took another sip of the drink.

"I'm Dave." He smiled politely. My eyes trailed down his arm and to his hand. He had a ring on his right hand.

"Are you married?" I questioned.

He shrugged, "Aren't we all?"

"Ew." I mumbled before getting up. My hand was grabbed and I was pulled back to the bar.

"Don't walk away, I'm trying to have a conversation with you." He smiled.

"I have to find my boyfriend." I said, barely loud enough to hear.

"He's not missing you. If he was you wouldn't have been alone on the dance floor." He chuckled.

"He was going to the bathroom." I glared at him and tried to pull my hand away, but he gripped my wrist.

"Let me go." I pulled again. His grip got tighter.

"Let's dance." He smirked.

"No, let me go." I raised my voice and tried to pry my hand from his grip.

"What's going on?" Louis pushed through the crowd, making me feel instantly relieved. I could hug him right now. Dave let go of my wrist and I took it in my left hand, rubbing it.

"Nothing, man." He smiled.

"Really?" His eyes darted to me, then to my hands, and then back to Dave, "I think there's a problem here." Louis' jaw clenched. Oh no.

"No, there isn't." Dave stiffened.

"No, Louis, it's fine. I'm fine, really. Can we just go dance?" I smiled weakly at him. He took one last look at Dave before grabbing me and pulling me to a set of seats along the wall. I stared at the dancing people during our silence.

"I should go over thee and punch him." Louis growled as he continuously tapped his foot.

"No, you shouldn't, it's fine." I said to him. I wanted to calm him down, but I didn't know how.

"It's not fine." He tensed up.

"It is." I placed my hand over his and his leg stopped moving and he looked over at me.

"You're great." He said. I smiled and looked at the crowd of people dancing in front of us. I didn't know what to say, so I just watched the moving bodies.

"Megan," Louis said. I looked over at him, "I saw your reaction when I said I'd hate to be with someone who was my perfect match but, to be honest, if you were my perfect match I wouldn't mind at all. You're perfect and I enjoy spending time with you." I smiled. It was great to hear that. With all this drama and friend problems I didn't think anyone really liked me. I figured everyone was just coming to me because I was the only one who wasn't in it, or because I didn't really say anything about it.

"Thanks, Louis. That means a lot." 

He nodded and leaned towards me. Here we go again. Normally, I'd be happy to kiss some guy I liked, but I have literally no idea how this whole thing works and it's genuinely frustrating.

"There you are!" Someone yelled. My head snapped over and Louis' lips landed right on my cheek. I was relieved, but confused when Flau grabbed my hand and Ashley grabbed Louis.

"What's going on?" I asked Harry as we were pushed through a bunch of dancing people.

"Liam got into a fight." Flau mumbled, barely enough for me to hear her.

"What? Why?" I questioned.

"Sky!" I shouted when I saw her, Niall, Kate and Zayn all dancing together. She looked at me and stopped them from dancing before they all ran over to us.

"What's going on?" Kate asked me.

"We don't know, exactly." Louis answered before we were pulled near the entrance.

"Liam!" Flau called. Just as Liam was about to walk over to us so we could leave, a guy came up behind him and punched him square in the face.

"And there goes the cliché club fight." Ashley mumbled.

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