Its Up To Us

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"Hello." A man popped up on the screen. There was a bright blue dot of light on the top of the tv, and I'm gonna take a guess and say he can see us too. No one said anything, we all just stared at the man. He let out a chuckle and and blue eyes tensed up.

"I'm John, and I'm sure you guys are confused as to how you find your match, and what the point in even being in the Match House is. Well, it's kind of like a game." He explained.

"A game," Blue eyes laughed. "This isn't a game." He raised his voice.

"Don't be angry with me, be angry with the state." John put his hands up in surrender. Blue eyes sat back and we all focused back on John.

"You see, we have a match machine. You choose who you wanna go in the machine with, it's all on you. When you find your match, you're done. You can go on dates, do almost whatever you want. Everything is all on you." He finished.

"Question, when do we go through the machine?" Green eyes asked.

"We'll have meetings every Friday, and if you feel you're ready, then you can." John answered. We sat in silence for a while before John cleared his throat.

"Good luck, guys." He said before the tv switched off.

"That was weird." The fifth girl said.

"Very." Ashley breathed.

"So.." I trailed off.

"We can start by introducing ourselves." A girl suggested.

"Sounds good." One of the boys agreed.

"Well I'm Katelyn, but you can call me Kate." The girl Ashley fought with earlier informed us.

"I'm Ashley." Ashley gave a small wave. "Oh, and, you can call me whatever." She shrugged.

"Okay, whatever." Kate laughed.

"I'm Liam, and I don't think that's what she meant. She means, like how you have Kate, she has something like Ash, am I right?" Liam defended Ashley. Ashley nodded and the fifth girl spoke up.

"I'm Flau." She spoke. She was quiet, like brown eyes, but pretty. She wore a white dress with black heels and her hair was curled and pulled back in the front. Her makeup was natural and she wore a small smile.

"I'm Louis." Blue eyes spoke up, looking directly at me.

"Zayn." Brown eyes said, not really paying attention to anyone.

"I'm Skylar, but I prefer Sky." The girl Katie had been around said.

"Niall." Blondie cleared his throat, he and Ashley seemed to be making do. They were eyeing each other.

"I'm Harry." Greene eyes introduced himself. It took me a minute to realize it was my turn.

"Megan." I shrugged.

"So, like, what are we supposed to do?" Kate asked.

"Yeah, do we go out on dates and stuff?" Flau asked.

"Well, we have to vibe, or we'll never get outta here." I added.

"She's right, don't just go for looks. Try and connect. Don't go for one person, talk to everyone." Liam said. We all agreed and I looked at Ashley.

"I think us girls need to meet up. And Ashley, I don't want that fight to come between us. And I want you to know I'm sorry about that name thing. But we need to work together." Kate apologized to Ashley, making the both of our eyes widen.

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