Capture 24: Thunders and cuddles

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After eating and cleaning up together they called it a night and left for their rooms. It's been not only 10 Minutes since Minho has cuddled in his blanket, trying to fall asleep, as it starts raining heavily. Minho likes rain, it's relaxing to listen to it, as long as it won't thunder.


Jisung's attention is on his phone. He lays down comfortably while surfing on Instagram. When he turns his phone of to go to sleep he notices that it's raining heavy.

I hope it won't thunderstorm. Minho easily gets afraid of noises. Will there be lightnings? He might be scared. Should I check on him?

Finally stopping his trace of thoughts, he decides to check on him and gets up.


Entering the room slowly, he sees Minho laying curled up as a ball in his blanket.

He looks so tiny.

"Hyung...? Are you awake?" He slowly approaches the older.

"Ji...?" Minho asks with a shaking voice, that sounds so desperately.

"'re afraid?'s okay, I'm here....shhhh...." He says with a soft voice, now sitting next to the small boy hugging him while caressing his back. Minho rearly gets like that but whenever he does, Jisung feels like he's close to the other and Minho trusts him.

His head against Jisungs chest, Minho calms down, trying to concentrate on the others heartbeat.

"Shall I sleep here tonight?" Jisung asks still with a soft voice, now caressing the olders cheek as he looks up.

What should I say? I want him to stay. But wouldn't it be strange? Asking him again to sleep with me? What does he think? Does he wanna stay as much as I wanna....

"Min, are you okay?" Minho gets torn out of his thoughts. Jisung loosens his grip on the other.
" Why are you staring at me like this? Don't you wanna? Do you feel uncomfortable? Then I'll go..." Jisung about to get up...

"No!" Minhos grip on the others shirt tightens. "I-I mean....please stay."

He finally made his mind up. Even though he's afraid of the other thinking bad about him, he's to terrified of the lightnings to let him leave.

Jisung smiles. "Let's sleep. Don't worry I won't leave you alone." He assures the small guy laying him down and crawling under the blanket next to him.

Minho cuddles in Jisungs chest while hugging him tight, leaving no space between the two of them. " Don't let go." He whisper-says in him chest.

"I won't." Jisung lays his hand around the others waist, carresing his back. "I promise I will hold tight on you. So sleep well."

That said both fall asleep, with the comfort of each others touch.

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