Chapter 32: Please stop

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Jisung wakes up on an unfamiliar bed, in an unfamiliar room. Looking around he notices that he doesn't recognise anything, nor wears his trousers or shirt.

"Confused?!" A voice appears from the adjoining room; All of Jisungs confusion fades in the blink of an eye, now being replaced with fear and discomfort.

"W-what do you want? Why am I here?" Jisung stutters nervously moving back from the closer coming boy.

"Mhhh...I let you take a guess. Why are you here?" The guy says now both hands resting right next to Jisungs pelvis.

But when Jisung remains silent Chin-Hwa's hands leave the bedsheets now resting on the boy's hips, pushing him through the mattress. "I wanna have some fun with you."

A clicking sound appears, making Jisung realise that he's now tied to the headboard.

"W-what are you...?"

"I told you, right; we'll have some fun. But don't worry my little slut will get some company soon."

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, your loverboy of course. Don't you think it's selfish to keep him all for yourself? Shouldn't you share with you old buddy?"

"Let him out of that!" Jisung burst out enraged, causing a devilish smirk to appear on the tallers face.

"And why should I?" Chin-Hwa's Hand travels up the youngers figure, leaning in, he whispers: "When I could hear his pretty whining and struggeling under my figure."

Just then banging and shouting is heard from the front door, indicating that Minho arrived.

"I'll let your loverboy in first. Be a good boy and stay calm for a moment."

The door opens and closes just as fast, being locked right after him, but Minho couldn't care less.

"Where is he?!"

"In there." The other points at the slight open bedroom door, letting the boy go where he wanna.

"Jisung! Jisung!" Minho storms into the room, finding Jisung laying in the same place where he was left.


Minho gets on the bed, almost hovering over the smaller.
"Are you okay?! Did he hurt you?! Did he do anything-?!"

"Hyung" Jisung stops him. "I'm fine. Nothing happened. Why are you here? You shouldn't have come."

"He's right." A voice behind them speaks up again. Leaning against the doorframe Chin-Hwa continues: "it was really foolish to come here."

Minho looses no time to show his anger, pushing Chin-Hwa right through the wall.
His hand around the olders collar Minho looses patience. "What the fuck are you doing?!"

"Fooling you." Chin-Hwa sights. "But I didn't thought that would be so easy."

Wanting to protest Minho now notices his wrist being handcuffed to the doorknob. "What the fuck?!"

"Don't try to get in my way. You'll only hurt yourself." Afterwards Chin-Hwa focuses on Jisung again, caressing his cheek.

"Let's have some fun." He says, his hands now finding their way into the youngers pants.

Jisung winces at the sudden coldness of the touch and the disgust building up inside him.

"Stop...Please...stop...s-stop..." He cries out in surprise and shame. His voice eventually dying down at the end.

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