Capture 10: Plans

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Jisung fast collects himself and wents back to practicing.


Back home Jisung lays at his Bed, lost in his thoughts.

That was exhausting. But at least I've improved a bit. But just thanks to Minho:( Without his help... but then he did... why did he do this earlier? I mean why did he pulled me around and came so near?
"I just felt like it." Right, it's Minho. He probably didn't thought about it. It's nothing Jisung, stop thinking about it.

When Jisung finished his thoughts, the door opens and a grinning Hyunjin pokes his head through the doorway.
"Hey Ji, are you busy?"

"No, come in. What's wrong?"

Hyunjin walks to Jisung who sits cross-legged at the bed, and places himself next to him. "Are you free tomorrow evening?"

"Mhhh, I guess so. I should finish work at 18.00 pm."

"Ok, then let's go clubbing."

"Huh?" Jisung stares at Hyunjin questioning if he heard him correctly.

"Mhh, I know you don't like being around a lot of people or getting drunk, but it will relax you a bit. You worked a lot in the last weeks, and in the moment you don't have to do anything else anyways. Nah, please." He pouts at Jisung with puppy eyes.

Seeing him hesitating, Hyunjin adds. "We won't let you alone, and Minho also goes."

Jisung looks up, after another second of hesitation he replies "All right, all right. But woe you leave me alone."

Hyunjin chuckles, while getting up. "Ok, you promised." Points a finger at him. "We go at 19.00 pm. So be ready then." And with that he closes the door behind him.

By now Jisung sits alone in the Room, like before. His thoughts now revolve around the upcoming event.

Ohhh, why did I say yes? I exactly know they will leave me alone there, as soon as they start drinking. Oh, Jisung why do you need to be so dramatic, it's just a Party. And at least your friends are there. And if Minho... ah right Hyunjin said Minho will be there. Will he really? When Minho is there I will be fine. I can stay with him. He isn't the typ to dance at party's. Should I ask him if he goes?

Jisung gets up from the bed and leaves his room. He look around and searches for Minho. "Hey Felix, did you see Minho?"

"Mhh,not really, I guess he's in his room." The freckled boy answers unknowingly.

"Ok thanks, lix."

He then walks to Minhos room, entering without hesitation. He closes the door and turns around. Then he stops. The room was dimly lit but bright enough to see the most.

Jisung walks to the bed, where he finds a sleeping Minho laying, covered by his blanket. The thick fabric reaches his eyes, covering the half of his face. 

Jisung sits down next to him and gentle lifts the blanket from his face. Now Minhos full face is visible.
"Dummy, how can you breathe like this."

He was about to get up, but quickly sits down when he hears Minho speaking. He can't understand it first but a few thing escape the boys mouth more clearly.


"Please, I don't wanna lose you."

"I know I shouldn't have told you."

What's with him? Is he having a nightmare. Just then Jisung recognise the sweat on his neck and forehead.
He gently places a hand at the others forehead.

God, it's burning. What's wrong?

That's when he sees a tear leaving his eye.

"Ji..." the sleeping boy sniffes, giving the other one goosebumps. Jisung feels like someone steps on his chest. Minho looks so pure and sad, it makes Jisung feel a prick in the chest.

Did he really said my name? Is he dreaming about me? Why does it look so painful?

Jisung gets closer and gently pets the others head, stroking through his hair. "It's alright."

The sleeping boy sniffes further but relaxes through the gentle touches. That's when he slowly wakes up.

Realising the presents of someone and feeling the unknown touch, he flinches and recoils to get a distance between him and the stranger. Leaning back against the Bed, he tries to recognise the figure infront of him, but his view is still too blurry. He just sees the body getting closer and panic grows in him.

Then he hears a familiar voice. "Hyung, it's okay. It was just a nightmare."

Ji? Is that Jisung?

That's when slowly his view gets clear and he sees the expected boy leaning to him. Jisungs hand reaches to Minhos face. The boy just stares at his actions, while Jisung wipes Minhos tears away. That's when Jisung recognise that the boy is shaking. "Hyung, it's alright. It's just me. You can relax."

Minho stares in his eyes. He's so pure and carring.

Then it hits Minho, and he realise how he need to look right now. He fast collect himself and sits straight up.
He clears his throat "Thanks."

Jisung needs to chuckle at Minhos effort to hide his embarrassment. "Sure. Are you okay now?"

Minho just nods and Jisung continues. "Then,...can I ask you something?"

Minho looks confuses at the boy.

"Are you also going to the Club tomorrow?"

Now it's Minhos turn to chuckle. That what he wanted to ask?

"Yes, I'm going too."

"Ahh okay, then that's good. See you." He gets up to leave.

"That's all you wanted?" Minho stares at him, with a raised eyebrow.

"Mhh, that's it." He was already at the door when he decided to tease Minho a bit. "Ah, by the way, you talk a lot when you're asleep."

Then he leaves.

Minhos eyes widen.

What! What did I say? Did I say something embarrassing?

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