Chapter 4- Spinner's and Cars

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I walked into the freezer. Trevor was doing inventory. I could hear him shivering and wanted to check on him. It almost concerned me. Wondering why I suddenly cared for the teenager, I stood in the doorway.

"Hey, Spengler," I sighed. "How's inventory?"

"Oh, hey. It's good. No, it's not good. It's not good at all." Trevor looked at me. "Does everyone do this?"

"Yeah, it's super important," I said. "You okay? Your lips are literally blue."

"I'm f-fine." He was definitely freezing in there.

"You should borrow my hoodie," I decided, sliding it off of my arms.

"No, it's fine. Seriously, it's fine," Trevor lied.

I draped it over his shoulder. The black matched with his hair. I smiled as Trevor reluctantly slid it on. "I'm surprised it fits me."

"I get everything oversized around here. That way it fits me longer," I admitted.


"Need some help with that?"

I scared the boy working in the shed. He looked over at me in fright. "What are you doing here?"

"Checking on your mom. And you two," I explained.

Trevor ran a hand through his hair. "Yeah. Can you help me?" he asked sheepishly.

I smiled and went to the other side of the car. Trevor and I lifted the rest of the sheets off of the car. It was definitely older. For a car, the 1980s were old. Trevor and I stared at it for a moment. Maybe for different reasons.

"What a shit box," Trevor commented.

"Are you kidding?" I scoffed. "It's a bit old, but I could definitely find parts in the old scrap and get it working."

"Man, you surprise me every day," Trevor commented.

"Why? Because I don't like to paint my nails and put my hair up in that really weird ponytail?" I questioned, smiling. "I've liked cars. All the time, I have to fix up my aunt's. And, more than likely, you have my hoodie on underneath the coveralls."

"Why did you give me your hoodie?" Trevor asked curiously. "The guys kept whistling when I walked out of the place."

"They're jealous because they've never been within two feet of me." I rolled my eyes. "No. Every guy in there has their eye on Lucky. Except you, which I found strange. And I'm strange. Connect the dots."

Trevor smiled at me. I smiled back as I pulled an elastic band out of my pocket. I pulled my long hair into a high ponytail. We worked on the car until it was nighttime. I felt dizzy and a little shaky.

"Get down!"

Trevor and I ducked. He pulled me away from a piece of wood that fell. He held me until the shaking stop. I looked up at him in fright as he stared at me. Was that an earthquake? In Oklahoma?

"Are you okay?" Trevor asked.

"Fine. I'm fine," I breathed. "Thanks for protecting me."

"Anytime." Trevor smiled softly. He stood up and reached for my hand. He helped me up. "Call it a night?"

"I'll see you at the next shift."

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