Chapter 11- Gatekeeper and Keymaster

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I drove us back to the Spengler Farm. My hearing was muffled now. I walked into the house with Trevor and saw Ms. Spengler's outfit. Her messy hair. Her glowing eyes. I knew what that meant.

I held the kids behind me, including Trevor. The P.K.E. meter turned into a taser.

I felt the earth shake just as my hearing came back.

Ms. Spengler ran through the window. I still didn't let them through. They didn't know what was going on. In all honesty, my brain took a few seconds to process it. This was 1984 all over again.

"Don't touch her now! She's Zuul! She's possessed!" I shouted.

Phoebe took the meter and ran outside. We followed. She was digging for something in the ground. She pulled up a cord. I tried to graph the layout of it. Egon Spengler was truly a genius.

"What is all this?" Podcast asked.

"This isn't a farm," I breathed.

"It's a trap," Phoebe agreed.

The first person in the lab was me. I opened the closet and put on my jumpsuit. I zipped it up as everyone else got a jumpsuit. Trevor smiled at me when he saw me in mine. The next generation fulfilling the legacy of their grandparents. Definitely sounds like a movie idea.

Phoebe switched on the model of the farm. "This is what he's been working on all these years."

"What, building his model?" Trevor questioned.

"No. He came here to finish what the original Ghostbusters started. To trap Gozer," I explained.

"On that dirt field," Trevor added.

"Exactly. These big silos act as a big capacitor." The model sparked for two seconds.

"Uh, what's a capacitor?" Trevor asked.

"Would it kill you to read?"

"Would it kill you to just tell me?"

"Once activated, these towers can hold a charge for one moment. In that one moment, it could power hundreds of traps."

"So how do we get Gozer into the field?" I asked, looking at the girl.

"Gozer's protected by two evil spirits."

"The keymaster and the gatekeeper," Podcast added.

"She needs both of them. No gatekeeper, no Gozer," I reasoned.

"But first, these spirits must possess two human souls," Podcast stated.

"Like Mom," Trevor added.

"So they could unite," Phoebe said. "Formally."

"We're thinking at least third base," Podcast said.

"In 1984, two souls were possessed. Dana Barrett, my grandmother, and Louis Tully. From what I can analyze, they must have some sort of connection, or in their case, obsession," I stated.

"Oh great," Phoebe groaned. "Mr. Gruberson."

We broke into the police station. Since everyone was running, Lucky was able to let us get in. Trevor and I got the car down. The keys were still in the ignition. I drove to the mountains. We were all on edge. And we were ready for a fight.

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