Chapter 6- Spengler

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"(Y/n), get over here! Now! There's something amazing here!"

"Phoebe?" I questioned. "It's almost ten."

"I know you don't sleep. Get over here," Phoebe said.

I drove over the farm, carefully driving up the gravel road. I didn't want to wake anyone up. Phoebe was waiting for me at the shed. Her glasses reflected light from the starry night, and she looked like me when I got excited over a little accomplishment.

"I know you don't know me very well, but what's up?" I asked.

Phoebe led me into the shed. "Please tell me you aren't going to murder me."

"Grandpa won't let me," Phoebe said, making me confused. She slid down the pole and disappeared.

I hooked my leg around the pole and slid down. I gaped at the machinery. It was like my secret dream hideout. I looked at the degrees on the wall and smiled. Egon Spengler. I should have known.

"So you're the one who led me out of New York, huh?" I asked the air.

The light nodded.

Phoebe showed me the jumpsuits. I grinned when I saw one that said Venkman on it. I slipped off my shoes and put the jumpsuit on over my clothes. It was a little baggy, but it almost fit perfectly.

"Is that a proton pack?" I looked at Phoebe in disbelief.

"How did you know?" Phoebe asked.

"Grandpa used to show me how they worked all the time. Never made one because of no ghost sightings. But he said they were extremely powerful. Almost blew him up more than once," I ranted.

Phoebe smiled at me. "You really love science, don't you?"

"Don't tell your brother," I replied.

Phoebe snuck me up to her room. Her mom was asleep on the table. She showed me her laptop. I pulled up the Ghostbusters ad on her laptop. It was posted almost the same time the website was created.

"Are you troubled by strange noises in the middle of the night?"

"Do you experience dread in your basement or attic?"

"Have you or any of your family seen a spook, spector, or ghost?"

"If the answer is yes, don't wait another minute. Pick up your phone and call the professionals!"


"Our courteous and efficient staff is on call twenty-four hours a day to serve all your supernatural elimination needs!"

"We're ready to bel-"

"Hey," Ms. Spengler greeted us.

We quickly shut the laptop. "What are you doing here, (Y/n)?"

"Oh, Phoebe wanted to show me this geeky show she found," I lied.

"What kind of scientist was Grandpa?" Phoebe asked as Ms. Spengler sat down.

"The kind that repels loved ones," she replied bitterly.

"Maybe a physicist?" Phoebe guessed.

Ms. Spengler shrugged. "So tomorrow, I was thinking of grabbing dinner with Gary."

"Who's Gary?" Phoebe asked.

"Mr. Gruberson," Ms. Spengler admitted as I sat back.

"His name is Gary Gruberson?" Phoebe questioned. "You have a date with Gary Gru-"

"It's just dinner," Ms. Spengler cut her off. "Good night."

"Don't be yourself," Phoebe joked. She looked at me after Ms. Spengler left. "You can stay in here tonight. If you don't want to drive home."

I smiled. "Thanks, Phoebs."

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