Chapter 7- Proton Packs

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Phoebe woke me up around nine the next morning. It was the weekend, so Phoebe didn't have summer school. I got up and fixed my hair with my fingers. I was surprised; it wasn't as much of a mess than usual.

"Podcast's meeting me, and I want you to come with. Do you need to go home?" Phoebe asked.

"I have clothes in my car. Where's the bathroom?" I asked.

Phoebe pointed to the door. "Down the hall."

I nodded and ran to my car. I grabbed clothes and ran to the bathroom.I changed, fixing my hair into a ponytail. My hair was in waves from the French braid Aunt Jenny put it in after my shower.

We went into an open field. I noted the old building behind us. Let's just hope it's abandoned. I helped Phoebe fix the proton packs. I lifted it and put the proton pack on her back. She struggled with the weight. It was a bit easier for me.

"The one rule my grandfather taught me: do not cross the streams," I warned.

"How did you know how to fix it?" Podcast asked. "I mean, no offense, but you are twelve."

"I kind of met my grandfather last night," Phoebe admitted. "Showed me what to do."

"No way. Was he, like, howling and clinking chains?" Podcast asked.

"No. That would have been weird," Phoebe commented.

"Are you watching A Christmas Carol or something?" I added.

I flipped the power button on her pack. She did the same to me. I pulled the gun out from the pack and aimed at the glass bottles. I flipped everything on, making the whirring sound higher and higher.

"Safety's off."

"You might want to stand back," I agreed, looking at the boy.

"Her feet are planted. Her face is poised. Will this be the moment of their deaths? Nobody knows."

I sent a stream at the glass. It broke every single one of them. Phoebe tried with the other set. It set the wood on fire. She grinned when we pulled the streams out and turned them off.

"Did I hit it?" Phoebe asked.

"You demolished it." I grinned.

Phoebe raised her hand awkwardly. I high-fived her, smiling back. She was awkward, but fun. Maybe she just didn't know how to act. After all, I wouldn't be surprised if the people she grew up with didn't take an interest in science.

"My turn," Podcast breathed.

I jumped when I heard the shrieking noise coming from the factory.

"What was that?" Phoebe asked.

"Probably a pigeon or something," Podcast replied. "Give me the gun."

The same noise again.

"What is that?" Phoebe corrected herself. "Come on."

We walked into the factory. The door squeaked loudly. The door shut behind me, making me jump. Phoebe actually almost grabbed onto me. We continued, cautiously looking.

"I've got to come back here for my Halloween episode," Podcast commented.

Blue ectoplasm dripped from one pipe. I took out my gun and fired it up. There was something in here eating the pipes. There was another squeak. I looked around for the moaning. I looked in fright. There was a ghost making all these noises.

"It's a ghost," Phoebe breathed.

"Aren't you just a little freaked out right now?" Podcast asked.

"No, considering I grew up with ghosts," I said.

"What?" Phoebe questioned.

"There was this one woman in my grandfather's house that would stare at me at night. Opened my eyes, she would be at the foot. Grandpa got rid of her quickly, but I knew," I explained.

Phoebe ran out. We hid behind a bunch of pipes when Phoebe made a loud noise. The monster bit hungrily into the pipes. The sight made me want to run. But I knew how to fight against fear. You made it afraid of you.


Podcast blew into an Aztec death whistle. It rang through the building so much I had to cover my ears. The monster roared back at it, sending sparks to fly off of the metal. Phoebe and I stood up, flying a stream at the ghost.

"Get the trap," Phoebe said.

I found the ghost and aimed. I caught them perfectly. Phoebe grinned and added her stream. I kicked out the box and Podcast opened the trap. The ghost flew into the trap and it shut. Smoke came out of it as the little button beeped red.

"We're ready to believe." I looked at Phoebe. "Are you?"

Phoebe nodded, smiling at me.

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