Chapter 12- Dog Trapped

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I hid the parked car behind some rocks. Phoebe and I got out of the car. We looked over the rocks, watching two figures climb up the steps. They were guarding the temple. They looked just about ready to bite.

"That's my mom," Phoebe stated.

The two were shocked by supernatural electricity. They convulsed until they turned into dogs. Glass shattered. Gozer appeared in a sharp-edged outfit. It looked perfect, but it was also intimidating.

Ivo walked over to her. "Goddess of gods. I have built this temple for you. So that you might return to earth. And together, we could rule the world-"

Ivo was ripped in half. I forced myself not to scream.

Gozer sat on a throne. The two dogs watched me as I walked out.

"Hi, again." Time to turn the Venkman charm on. "Remember me?"

Gozer looked at me. It sat up. "Yeah, I know. Remember?" Silence. "Come on, you can't possibly forget. My grandfather was standing in front of you when you returned for the first time. You turned my grandmother into a dog?"

Gozer stood up. "Have you come to offer yourself?"

"No, thanks. I'm saving myself for marriage," I joked.

"Are you prepared to die?" Gozer's voice deepened.

"Not really. I kind of got a light in my life right now, so... I love the deep voice though. Really love it. Y'know my voice gets really deep when I feel like I'm dying," I said, glaring at the deity.

The dog was sucked out of Ms. Spengler. She rolled down the stairs. I picked her up as Phoebe dealt with the trap. I put her in the back as Trevor pulled up the car. We raced out of there. I breathed heavily in the passenger seat.

"Wait. Wait. Wh-What's going on?" Ms. Spengler questioned.

"Hey." Trevor grinned.

"Mom, it's okay."

"You were kind of possessed," Podcast blurted.

"And you turned into a dog."

"Hold on!"

Podcast got the trap closer to the car. The dog was getting closer to us. I slid into the backseat and blasted the dog with the gun. I pulled back into the car, looking at Ms. Spengler with a sheepish smile.

The trap was let into the car. I ran my fingers through my hair, stressed.

"This was Grandpa's plan," Phoebe stated.

"Uh, coming in hot!" Trevor shouted.

"And you wonder why I never let you drive!" I shouted over the screaming.

We stopped on the farm. Everyone except Podcast got out of the car. A dark cloud with lights zooming around surrounded the farm. Phoebe and I stood on the porch as we looked out. The corn spread apart, revealing Gozer. I took the trap in my hand with Phoebe. We were in this together.

We held the trap out. Gozer crawled toward us, almost decaying.

"Pull the lever," Phoebe commanded.

The trap came to life. I let go and got the gun from the proton pack. I blasted it, capturing it immediately. I was waiting for Trevor. Gozer wrapped her arm around the string and pulled me with it. I flew to the ground, landing inches in front of Gozer. I felt something overcome me.

Zuul possessed me.

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