Chapter 9- Arrested

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We drove back in the darkness of the night. I sat in the passenger side, Trevor was driving, and the two kids were behind us in the gunner seats. Trevor couldn't stop smiling until I looked back at the mountains.

"Does any of this bother you?" Trevor asked.

"What do you mean?" Phoebe asked.

"Dude, your grandfather was a legend. You can literally be anything you want. Like an influencer or DJ," Podcast pointed out.

"After the Manhattan Ghost incident, our grandfathers were sued by every insurance company in New York City. Dad had a TV show. Egon was still doing experiments. And Ray and Winston were doing birthday parties. They were a laughingstock until Vigo came to town and tried to live in my uncle. Then everything... stopped," I explained.

"Who's Vigo?" Podcast asked.

"Prince Vigo Von Homburg Deutschendorf."

"Bless you."

"He was poisoned, shot, stabbed, hung, stretched, disemboweled, drawn and quartered. Just before his head died, he said, 'Death is but a door. Time is but a window. I'll be back!'" I continued. "He went after my uncle, who was a baby at the time, and tried to possess his body. On New Year's Eve."

Red and blue lights flashed behind us, making me panic. Trevor and I had our permits, and they were twelve. I looked through my pockets. I didn't even have my permit on me. And I didn't want to explain to Ms. Spengler that her two kids got arrested because of us chasing a ghost up to the mountains.

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. We're screwed. We're so screwed," Trevor panicked.

"What do we do?" Phoebe asked.

"I say we fight," Podcast decided.

"What? No!" I sighed. "Check the glove box."

The officer knocked on the window. "License and registration."


"We were on that big mountain, and I went to hang out with (Y/n) in this old, rusting mining cage. All of a sudden, it just started shaking. Like an earthquake, and there were lights. And then I looked down into this giant hole, and inside, right in the middle of it, was either a person-"

"Definitely not a person," I mumbled. "We heard Gozer from that thing. It's an entity that our grandfathers dealt with back then."

"They speak the truth. I was there."

I turned around and grinned.

"Oh, no," Trevor mumbled.

"Lucky. Quick messing with my inmates," the man said.

"Sorry, Dad," Lucky said, glancing at Trevor and I's joined hands.

"Hey. Don't we get a phone call?" Phoebe questioned.

"Sure, you do. Who you gonna call?" the man stared at her.

He took her out of the cell, leaving the three of us alone. I laid my head on Trevor's shoulder, waiting. He kept an arm around me. He was scared, too.

"Where are my kids?"

"And where's my niece?"

"Aunt Jenny," I said in relief.

The officer let us out. I ran toward Aunt Jenny, hugging her tightly. She hugged me back, stroking my hair. She kissed the top of my forehead and let go of me. Worry was blatant in her eyes.

"What the hell were you thinking?"

"Is that..." Aunt Jenny trailed off in disbelief.

"That's our proton packs," I whispered.

I tuned out until Phoebe pointed the gun of the proton pack at Lucky's dad. I lunged forward, using what Grandma taught me to disarm her. The gun was back in the holder after I switched off the pack.

"You realize that could hurt us, right? Our families already have reputations of being lunatics and frauding people. I did that for us, Phoebe," I hissed, letting go of the girl.

Aunt Jenny led me out of the station. She sighed when she got in the car. She rested her head on the steering wheel. She was definitely thinking about what to say. My worst fear was her sending me back to Grandma and Grandpa.

"You take after your grandmother and grandfather," Aunt Jenny said, putting her keys in the car.

"I would take it as a compliment if I didn't just get my first prior," I groaned.

"Listen. I think Grandpa would almost be proud of you."

"Really?" I questioned.

"Hell yeah. The first time he got arrested was for 'endangering the environment'. The second time was for being a lunatic. Driving without an adult? You'll be fine. But watch yourself."

"I will," I assured her as we drove home.

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