Chapter 41 - Welcome to the world

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Two weeks have passed and, Diesel has been able to keep Vin away from me, Hazel and, Zeke. However, something else has been going on, many of the old abandoned houses close to the hospital have been brought and are currently getting renovated or are being habited, and a small group of church boys has come to our school.

It feels to me like a slow takedown. The houses were the beginning, and I already didn't like it, the new students are the middle, but what is the end?

I can tell that no one from the Hell Sinners likes this new predicament. I've even been able to spot a few adult members around the school. Besides that, Diesel is also scowling a lot more and more alert. I can tell my brother doesn't like this one bit. Vin is also alert and all, but he's more sulking after Hazel and when we pass by him, he looks longingly at her. Other than that, he acts all pissy the rest of the time.

Oh! And do you want to know a secret? The comfortable hoodie Hazel handed me two weeks ago belonged to Vin. Since then I've been wearing nothing more than my brothers' and cousin's stolen hoodies, including Zeke's. Yet, I somehow managed to dirty all eight hoodies during the weekend, and today I have to wear one of my shirts... I was so sad when I spilled ice cream on the last hoodie, knowing that the rest of them haven't been washed yet that I spent two hours crying over it, which I now see was something stupid and makes me angry every time I remember it but back then I couldn't handle my hormones.

Today I'm wearing a black, very warm, long sleeve, turtle neck shirt with some light blue leggings and a long, cream-colored gabardine that hides my basketball-sized belly very well. I can't button it up over my belly so, since the gabardine belongs to Meredith, she made some adjustments to it. Now, I can simply tie the gabardine with its belt and my belly will be perfectly covered again, as long as the belt doesn't untie itself, I mean.

This morning I didn't go to school with Hazel and Isaack like I normally do. Fucking Braxton kicks were kicking my ass!

By lunchtime, I stopped feeling those jabbing pains and called Rochu to take me to school. He was a bit standoffish at first, probably due to the church boys as I have nicknamed them, the nickname was so good that it stunk. I have even heard the twins calling them that. Anyway, the guys are creepy, and to suddenly appear so many of them at once is ringing red flags in everyone's minds. Some people even believe they belong to a satanic coven of sorts that are here to choose their human sacrifices, and that is why so many of the abandoned houses were brought. I don't know if I should believe them or not, but something definitely smells fishy. I just hope they are not bringing any more danger to my family.

"Siamo arrivati, signorina. (We have arrived, miss.)" Rochu told me as the car came to a stop. Aldus opened the car door for me and helped me get out of the car, when I finally stood up on my own two feet without Aldus's help, Jacopo appeared to my left, carrying my backpack. He and Cosmo quickly went over the list with me, and after verifying that I had everything, Ercole came out of the car and ended a phone call before joining us.

"Andiamo. (Let's go.)" I ordered them, already hearing my lunch calling me from the canteen. Rochu and Cosmo left, each driving a car, and the four of us made our way inside the school's building.

I don't know how they intend to make Ercole pass as a student here, but unless a teacher has the hots for him, then he won't fool anyone. He is too rugged, muscled, well dressed in formal wear, and one or more guns and knives away, from being able to pose as a high school student. I'll let Flavio and my uncles solve this one. After all, I wasn't the one who asked for bodyguards, thus I don't have to solve their shit.

Our first stop before the canteen was was my locker. I left my bag and everything unnecessary in there and only kept my phone, pager, gun, and knife, after that, I started 'losing' my bodyguards. First was Cosmo, he had to go meet up with Flavio for some shit I didn't listen to, but that it probably involved either the new students or his excuse to be on the school grounds and going to attend class with me. And yes, my uncles went as far as making Cosmo go to class with me. The poor man must miss high school classes to accept a job like this. Next, I asked Aldus to go to the canteen to order my lunch and to see if he spotted Isaack, Zeke, and Hazel. He begrudgingly did as I asked him and left, only staying Jacopo with me.

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