Chapter 11

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Clark had decided that instead of going to Central City, he'd just call Barry, which was what he was doing now.

"Hey Clark, this is a surprise." Barry said.

"Hey Barry, I could use your help." Clark said.

"Need a Flash/Superman team up?" Barry asked.

"No. At least not yet." Clark said.

"Then what do you need help with?" Barry asked.

"Yesterday I was attacked by a man who claimed to be from another universe and that's more your thing than mine. I was hoping you could help me track him." Clark said.

"We'll try, but the physics of breaching has changed. So far Cisco can only open breaches to places on this earth. We haven't found a way to detect other earth's yet and without something that belonged to your attacker, Cisco can't vibe him either." Barry said.

"So what you're saying is that there's nothing you can do?" Clark asked.

"I didn't say that, I just said it will take some time. New multiverse means new worlds and new things separating them. Until we can find a way to overcome the interference, it'll be difficult for us to track anyone from a different universe." Barry said.

"If it helps, it was a guy wearing a bulky, high tech suit of armor with some kind of tech hammer." Clark said.

"I'll see what we can do." Barry said.

"Thanks Barry." Clark said as he hung up.

"That sounded like a bust." Lois said to her husband as she entered their bedroom.

"Barry said that while they'll try to help me find the guy who attacked me yesterday, until they can figure out the exact laws of this new multiverse, they'll have a hard time tracking anyone from a different universe." Clark said.

"Sounds about right. But maybe you should let Kara know to be on the lookout. Whoever this Stranger guy is, it sounds like he has some kind of obsession with her." Lois said.

"I'm heading out to National City later today to talk to Lena anyways." Clark said.

"Yeah, Lana told me that you were going to talk to Lena about endorsing her campaign, but you really think she'll do that?" Lois asked.

"Considering the fact that it'll help her stay in my good books, especially since I'm expecting Kara to tell me that they're dating any day now, yeah, I do." Clark said and Lois chuckled.

"Fair enough, but didn't you already get Bruce Wayne to contribute?" Lois asked.

"There's no rule saying that Lana can't have two billionaires support her." Clark said.

"Fair point." Lois agreed.

"I'm heading out to National City later on today." Clark said.

"Good." Lois agreed.

Lucy Lane was currently walking out of the latest Ally Allston meeting, trying to avoid anyone looking at her, when she heard a familiar voice behind her.

"Looking for someone?" her father asked as Lucy turned to see him standing there.

"Dad, how did you find me?" Lucy asked.

"I run one of the most advanced government agencies in the country, you think I can't find my own daughter. Though I have to admit, I was surprised to find out that you were here. Though I guess maybe I shouldn't be." Sam said as Lucy took a deep breath.

"Look dad, it's not what you think. Yes, I'm still attending Ally's meetings, but not for the same reasons I used to. Can we talk in private?" Lucy asked and Sam nodded as he let Lucy lead him up to her hotel room.

"You living here?" Sam asked.

"One of the few perks of being one of Ally's disciples is that she provides room and board. Even if it's just in a hotel." Lucy said.

"What are you doing back with her Luce? I know you still thought the world of her, but, going back to her." Sam said.

"Except I don't anymore. Dad, I'm not the same woman I was the last time you saw me. I'm not brainwashed by Ally anymore." Lucy said.

"Wait, what?" Sam asked and Lucy sighed.

"Look, after I basically cut you and Lois out of my life, I was at a low point. Ally was laying low and wouldn't talk to me since she felt I betrayed her by talking to Lois and I ended up going back to James." Lucy said.

"He took you back?" Sam asked and Lucy chuckled humorlessly.

"God no, but he was the only person who'd still take my calls. After what I said to Lois, I was sure she never would and I didn't want to make things between you and her worse. And honestly, going to James was the best thing I could've done, considering the fact that he basically tore apart every argument I made in Ally's defense. He basically forced me to go into rehab, since whether I wanted to admit it or not, Ally's influence was a drug and I was hooked on it. And while I was there, they essentially deprogrammed me and I realized what a bitch I let Ally turn me into." Lucy said.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Sam asked.

"Because I didn't think you or Lois would ever talk to me again. After what I said." Lucy said.

"If you're clean, then why come back to her now?" Sam asked.

"Because now I'm trying to make up for my mistake by bringing Ally down. And it turns out that Lois's article prompted the FBI to do a little digging and I volunteered to be their inside woman to take down Ally once and for all. Though honestly, now that I think about it, something tells me that my cover's blown." Lucy said.

"Wait, what?" Sam asked, right as Ally Allston and her thugs entered the room.

"I see Lucy remembered the first thing I taught her. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer." Ally said.

"Ally, it's not what it looks like." Lucy said as Sam realized that the room had been bugged.

"Did you really think I didn't suspect you'd betrayed me Lucy? After all I did for you." Ally said.

"All you did was brainwash me and turn me against my own family. I haven't spoken to my own sister, the woman who practically raised me, in years because of you. The least I can do to make it up to her is finish what she started and take you down." Lucy said.

"What a pity. But, we can't leave any loose ends." Ally said as Sam pulled out and activated his ELT and literally right as the bullets left the guns, Superman came crashing through the window and shielded Sam and Lucy from the bullets.

"Attacking a four star general just seems bad for business to me. You got one chance to run, I suggest you take it." Superman said as Ally quickly ran off.

"Are you two okay?" Superman asked Sam and Lucy.

"Yeah, we're fine." Sam assured him.

"Good. Ms. Lane, it's nice to see you again. Your sister says hello." Superman said as he flew away.

"What am I gonna do now?" Lucy asked.

"You're gonna stay with me and after we get things sorted out with the FBI and then I think there's an opening in my agency if you're interested." Sam said.

"Wait, seriously?" Lucy asked.

"Lucy, all Lois and I have ever wanted was for you to come back to us. Hell, the whole reason I tracked you down is because your sister is pregnant again and she wants you there Luce." Sam said, much to Lucy's surprise.

"I thought she'd hate me." Lucy said.

"She never did. She misses you Lucy. We both do. Come home." Sam said.

"Okay, I will." Lucy said as Sam hugged her before he helped her get her things together before leading her out of the room.

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