I do not understand why I think I saw a woman who existed more than 7,000 years ago?
I do not know what their lives were or how they counted their days, months and years before?
What did history or science say about how old are the world and the societies?
I was thinking thoughts about people from the past going back to the present by occupying another beings vessel.
I do not quite understand where the beliefs and practices related to this started and when?I was thinking about how hard their lives were and how scarce the food and other necessary supplies were. How they were able to resort to drastic actions in order to resolve problems?
They say we can not solve problems by creating another problem. But we do not really know what happened before? We do not know what they have been through and who are we to judge?
We all have OUR own ambitions for our selves, our families and society. Others just wanted to survive.
People wanted innovation and see whatever the future holds. Most of us wanted a grasp of it, to experience the things that we never did, to experience what we have hoped for -- the innovation we wanted the next generations to experience.
What has happened that they became selfish when they focused only with their goals and achievements
People wanted connection but along the way, in their plans and efforts to connect people, we became more divided.The older generations brought about the changes, they made things easy for the future generations only to sacrifice their own. What would they want to do if they live in the present?
Those who live in lands not very blessed with vegetation, how would you think they will survive?
The tribes of the dry lands, the innocent, the tyrants, the colonizers and the rulers, what have they done? What were they trying to build? What gold were they aiming to attain and obtain?
How was I suppose to know? I still am confused with what time is it.
Now, we are all trying to go through life, earn money to pay debts and save money for ourselves and work for our own sake. Maybe this is how it should be. We just have to work and work for ourselves and our goals or whatever we want to become.
We are sometimes self-absorbed and selfish. We see our selves and much details only of our own race.
But maybe we will wake up one day and the world is already ending while the society is just running its businesses as usual.
None of us can predict what time the end times would be.
I apologize if I can not help my self but ask "what do you think that time might be?".
These Thoughts
Historia CortaA compilation of what I have published. Published 08 March 2022 (Still continuously editing)