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just a lil warning, theres some nsfw



 You and Bakugou walked with each other, strolling to the dorms, hand in hand. You were happy. Not that the news reporters made you happy, but the fact that the students and teachers tried to rescue you, even though you would've been fine yourself, made you glad. Glad to be in U.A, and glad to be in the community and cared about. You sneaked a glance at him, seeing his regular scowl painted across his face. You sighed, chuckling to yourself, your thumb tracing his hand.

 "You idiot." He growled. You could hear his inaudible mutters, his voice almost sounding like a tremble. You laughed, your head swinging to face the floor, you almost falling out of pure laughter. 

 "Shut it. Nothings funny." But that made you laugh even more, your laughs echoing through the wide hallways. You saw from ahead Jirou walking with her headphones plugged in, her head bobbing up and down slightly, static from the music coming from her headphones. Right behind her was Kaminari, awkwardly walking next to her. You laughed, looking at the nervous boy trying to start a conversation with her. 

 "Kaminari!" You whispered to him as you passed by. When his head came up a few inches to look at you, you waved a thumbs up at him. His face turned a bright red as you only balled in laughter. He covered his face with his hand, running after the spaced out Jirou still walking through the hallway.

 "God, your laughter got even worse today. So much for thinking I could tolerate you." You heard your boyfriend mumble. Your face expression turned to a frown, hitting him on his head.

 "Shut your mouth." You proclaimed, grabbing his hand again tightly. You heard him quiver at the sudden touch.

 "Tch." He managed to say, his grip getting firm into your hand. 

 "Yeah that's right, stay quiet."

 "DON"T TELL ME WHAT TO FUCKING DO." He spat at you as you only turned your head slowly to reveal your melancholy reaction towards his yelling. You pushed his shoulder back, your face extending to a frown.  

 "Posture Katsuki. One day you're going to be like one of those hunched grandpas in the street." You told him, your hand on his chest pushing back slightly. 

 "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY?" He growled, grabbing the top of your shirt to push it towards him, his face an inch away. You took the opportunity to kiss him so he would shut up. You heard his muffles as the kiss grew heated, him finally relaxing into it. Your eyes felt heavy as you droopily fell into the kiss. You were already used to kissing him but you knew he wasn't. He hesitantly let go, his face a light scowl.

 "You can't just r-randomly do that." He managed to stutter out, his face a small tint of pink circling his cheeks. 

 "And why is that? You like it, don't you?" You purred in his ear, tracing your finger against his opposing side, him flinching. 

 "Because I fucking said so!" He argued, pulling you away lightly, however you knew he didn't mean it like that. You laughed, walking off.

 "You idiot, I walk in front!" He ran up to catch you, you laughing as you ran faster for him to tire out. You felt yourself laughing lots, but trying to keep your pace steady because he had been catching up. At one point you couldn't continue, laughing till god knows where, yourself falling on the floor. You felt his leg behind you, pressing up against your back. 

 "You do really dumb things.... but I fucking love it." He grabbed you, picking you up, your legs wrapped around his torso. You chuckled, kissing his forehead while pushing the hair out of his face. He scoffed, his head tilting to the side for a moment before he stuffed his face in your shoulder, his arms still wrapped around you. You loved moments like these, always getting lost in them, in him. 

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