𝘿𝙚𝙟𝙖 𝙫𝙪

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"Get off the table before you fall", Ethan sighed, watching her balance on the plastic table from the white laying chair he was lying on. Vic would have ideas others would've found not handy, especially Ethan who wanted to make sure they wouldn't need to call an ambulance every week.

Thomas was too busy with his guitar at the side of the pool to even notice Vic, she kept balancing on the table, and now and then she would lose balance. Though she didn't listen to Ethan, that's what you get when you tell Victoria her balance is shit.

Damiano was smoking a cigarette, he was holding his notebook and a pen in his hand. He was concentrated today which was good, it was noon which was when he usually had more inspiration.

Vic just kept on walking on the table and Ethan couldn't look at it anymore, he got up from the laying chair and walked up to her, ''No! Ethann'', Vic laughed as he reached for her arm and lifted her off the table. Ethan smiled when he got her safe on the ground again, meanwhile, Vic just stook her tongue out.

Vic sat down on the chair next to Damiano, trying to see what he was writing. She read the first two lines, the lyrics were beautiful honestly. ''Mi piace'', Vic said, Damiano, nodded thankfully.

''It's not finished yet but it's a start'', he said while he wrote down another line with his pen. Vic put her sunglasses on and laid down on the lying chair, wanting to get a bit of a tan. After some minutes of them doing their stuff, Luna came outside as well, "Hey guys".

"Ciaoo", they said in union, Luna had taken some mango from the kitchen, she was happy with herself for eating more today.
Sitting on the lying chair she watched Thomas playing guitar, it still fascinated her how his hand ran over the strings so easily.

While watching she had already finished half of the mango, she felt full so she put the rest away on the glass table next to her for later.

"Oh you know that dietitian I've been talking about, I called her and she said she still has some time left on Thursday to mee-", Victoria explained, though Luna didn't agree at all.

Vic had already talked to Luna about it several times but she was having none of it, going to therapy was one thing but she didn't need someone telling her what to eat. Luna had always been a picky eater, people even had trouble buying her the right candy bars when she was younger.

"I already said no", Luna said, praying to God or whoever that Vic would stop talking about it. She was just starting to do better when it came to food but Vic just kept trying to get her to go.

"I just think it would be really beneficial", Vic insisted again, she felt like she was talking to a fucking five-year-old child. Luna was way too stubborn, though Vic was as well. When they would fight it would be fire on fire, both equally determined to get their goal.

"Well I think it's bullshit!", Luna said looking away from her to the grass below her. Victoria was fuming, she was done with talking about this dietitian. This would be best for Luna and that was final.

"Well you're going!!", Victoria raised her voice, and her blood started boiling. The blonde was always one of the best friends and sisters anyone could have, but when she was angry you shouldn't talk to her.

"You can't decide that for me!!", Luna fumed, her fists started to clench, a sign this wasn't going to end well. "Watch me!", Vic snapped, Ethan and Thomas were both quiet, Thomas had stopped playing guitar and Damiano put his notebook away, ready to intervene.

"Stop acting like you're mom! We both know she isn't here anymore so stop acting like her!", Luna let out, her breathing elaborating as she just realized what she said. "Luna enough!", Damiano said, now it was her turn to be quiet.

Victoria wasn't moving, nor saying a word. Luna noticed her sister's glassy eyes, regretting every word she had just said to her. Vic was only trying to help, she wanted what was best for her little sister.

Damiano turned to Vic, he put his arm on her shoulder. "Are you okay Vica?".
Vic replied simply with a nod, although the pain of the past never made her feel okay.

Ethan noticed Luna's body language, she was acting this weird when she ran away that one time. Before he could say anything Luna disappeared into the house, nobody being able to see her anymore.

Victoria was about to go after her but Damiano stopped her, "Don't, let her cool off", she hesitated for a moment but stayed where she was.

Damian didn't understand how her mood could turn around so quickly, one moment Luna was happy but she could as quickly turn bitter again.
Making comments about their mom, even though it was her mom as well, wasn't okay at all. She had gone too far.

About 30 minutes passed and everyone was doing something for themselves, Luna still hadn't come back out. Ethan thought it was a little weird, he would have expected her to get out already and apologize.

He stood up and walked into the house, Thomas watched him leave but didn't think much of it. When he got into the house it was very quiet, not a good sign. He got up on the stairs since she wasn't in the living room or kitchen, he passed by the others rooms first but there was no one.

He was probably overthinking it, she was most likely just in her room. He opened the door and looked around, she wasn't there either. He looked around for something indicating that she might still be in the house but hopes were low.

He went downstairs again and checked it there once more, but still, she was nowhere to be found. He returned outside, Damiano gave him a questioning look, "Luna, she's not here".

Victoria and Damiano both stood up, while Thomas put his guitar away, " What do you mean she's not here?", Thomas asked.
Ethan started explaining she wasn't anywhere in the house, their worries were rising with every second that passed.

Victoria was about to run out to the streets, maybe she hadn't left. Damiano stopped her, "Dami let go of me!", she yelled, but he didn't listen to her. They had to think smart about this, "Vic she probably already left half an hour ago, it's best to search the neighborhood by car", he said and the others agreed as well.

They got their phones and keys, Damiano started his car, "I'll stay here, in case she gets back", Thomas said, the others agreed.
Ethan and Vic got in the car too, they drove off quickly.

They were all looking around for any sign of her, but they had no idea where she could've gone. The sky was turning darker by the minute, it would be night soon. Victoria was trying to call her, but every time it went straight to voicemail. She let out a shaky breath, Ethan noticed it

"We'll find her, don't worry".


hey guys!
sorry for not posting so long,
I've been very busy with everything
in my life at the moment but
I'm happy to be able to write again:)

Thank you for reading, ly all<3

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