Helpful Roomates

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Apple's POV

Raven's been acting so strange lately. She hardly goes to class anymore and she barley speaks. Sometimes she even cries in her sleep. I wish I knew a way to help her. Maybe she'd finally speak up if some of her friends like Maddie and Cerise came to visit. I just wish I knew what is going on inside of her head. Whatever happened between Raven and Dexter must have been fairy bad because, I've never seen anyone so miserable.

"Raven? You can't stay quiet forever after. At least tell me what's wrong?" I said as I was looking in my enchanted mirror. I could see Raven looking back at me in the reflection. "You know some of us girls are going to go prom dress shopping tomorrow...." I said looking back at Raven who was no longer looking at me but, looking at her MirrorPhone that had nothing on the screen. Maybe she's waiting for Dexter to hext her?. "I know you need a dress Raven." I said hoping that she would respond. I tried to at least make Raven smile but, she still had a straight yet sad face. "I think I might have some hocus berry pancakes for breakfast? They're just so yummy!" I said smirking at her. I don't like hocus berry pancakes all that much but; I know that Raven cannot resist them so, I thought maybe teasing her would at least make her smile. "So are you hexcited for graduation? It's in two weeks can you believe it?!" I cheered. Obviously this conversation is fairy one-sided but, sometimes I need other people to talk to in the morning besides my dove friends.

I was just about to give up trying to talk to Raven, when I noticed a teacup on Raven's side table. I automatically thought about Madeline Hatter who is Raven's best friend forever after. Maybe I can convince Maddie to come over so that she can try to cheer up Raven and hopefully get her to talk. I just need to find Maddie first. I asked around, Briar said that she saw Maddie in the locker corridor with Lizzy. Luckily she was still there. "Hi, Maddie." I said. "Greetings Apple. What brings you to my locker?" said Maddie. "Well, Raven's pretty upset about Dexter. She won't talk, or eat, and I'm starting to worry. Can you help me?" I asked. "Of course! When theres a friend in need, I always help them indeed!" she giggled.

"Raven!" yelled Maddie as we entered the dorm. Raven didn't say anything, she just glanced at Maddie. "Raven, why have you silenced yourself?" Maddie asked. "I've been trying to figure that out all morning." I said. "Maybe she just needs a nice cup of herbal tea?" said Maddie pulling a teacup and pot out of her hat. She poured the tea and handed it to Raven. Raven took the cup and smiled at Maddie then sipped the hot tea. "Say Raven? Are you upset about Dexter?" Maddie asked. Raven didn't answer, she just stared into her cup of steamy tea."Are you upset about the fables going around?" I asked. Raven was still quiet. "What fables?" Maddie asked. "Someone started a fable that Raven and Dexter are dating...but...the fables are sort of true? Right?" I said confusing myself. "Oh, that may have been my fault..." said Maddie slurping tea. Raven's eye's widened. "You started the fable!?" Raven yelled. "Oh now you wanna talk!?" I said in relief. "I didn't actually intend to start the fable *sips tea* it just slipped out." said Maddie. "Maddie, what happened?" said Raven. "Well you see, its an awful long story so I'll just jump to the end. KittywantedtoknowwhoDexterhadacrush
onsoItoldherthatDexterhasacrushonRavenandthatRavenlikeshimback. *gasps for air* thenDuchesswalkedinandheardour
andRavenaredating, thenLizzytoldHopper,HoppertoldCedarthenCedartold
everyoneonaccident. And that is what happened." said Maddie. I could barely understand what Maddie just said. Why was she talking so fast!? "So...Duchess started the fable....and the fable spread so quickly because Cedar... accidentally told a bunch of people?" asked Raven. "Yup!" said Maddie. "I'm sorry Raven, are you mad?" Maddie asked. "No, I'm not mad at all. Now that Dexter's leaving none of this matters." said Raven. "Do you want a second chance with Dexter?" I asked. "A second chance would mean everything to me..." said Raven. "I'll talk to him for you him you then." I said touching Raven's shoulder. "Really? Thank you Apple you're so nice." said Raven.  "You're welcome. So....Raven about earlier when I mentioned prome dress shopping....." I said. Raven let out a long sigh. "Yes Apple, I'll go prom dress shopping with you tomorrow." she said. I felt super hexcited inside. "Hexellent! It's going to be so much fun!" I cheered.

Even though I finally got Raven to speak,she still seems depressed. I hope dress shopping will cheer her up. More importantly, I hope Dexter is willing enough to give Raven a second chance. I know I'd want a second chance if things got messed up between me and Daring. Speaking of Daring. I wonder how things with Cerise are going?

Hunter's POV

I'm not going to lie, when it comes to paying attention I suck and its a total fairy fale. I had no idea that Dexter had a crush on Raven. I didn't even know Dexter was into rebels. I guess I can't blane Dex though. I mean, I'm a rebel and I was dating the prettiest royal ever after until Head Master Grimm decided to rip the page and make me and Ashlynn break up. Godmother I miss Ashlynn, it hurts so much to see other guys flirting with her.

I'm suprised that Dexter is taking this whole hexpulsion thing so well. I was helping Dex, pack his things when I found a really pretty foux flower on the floor of his closet. "Hey Dex, what's this?" I said holding the foux flower in my hand. He reached and grabbed it from my hand. "Oh, it's a corsage. I was going to give it to Raven at prom." he said examining the flower. "If its a corsage then why is it fake?" I asked. "Raven's allergic to flowers so I bought a faux one for her to wear." he explained. "Wait your going to prom with her? When did you ask her?" I asked. "Actually, Raven technically asked me to prom. She asked me right before Grimn gave me hexpulsion." he said. "Wait when did you buy the corsage?" I asked. "...yesterday." he said. "Yesterday? Why? Aren't you mad at Raven for getting you hexpelled? Why would you still wanna go to prom with her?" I asked. "Well, I leave Ever After High the day right after Prom and I was never mad at Raven. It wasn't really her fault, I'm the one who tried to kiss her. And I know that Raven was fairy hexcited to go to Prom and I was....well I still am excited about it..." he explained. "Wow you must really like her then." I said. "No, I don't like her. I love her. Just everything about her makes my heart melt." he swooned. "I know what you mean. I still feel the same way about Ashlynn." I said. "You know Hunter, If you still care about Ashlynn then you should just ask her out again. After all, you're graduating in two weeks. Theres not really much Grimm can do about it. I mean he can't hexpell everyone." he said. "Thats not a bad idea Dex, thanks." I said.

Dexter had just finished packing the rest of his things when one of his crowns rolled under his bed. "I'll get it." I said crouching down and reaching under the bed. While I was reaching for the crown, I felt something round, rough and smooth. I grabbed the object, it was an acorn. The same acorn that I accidentally threw at Dexter the morning of Legacy Day. For some reason looking at that tiny acorn made me flashback to all the good times me and Dex have had being roomates. It just hit me that my best friend ever after is leaving. "Did you find my crown?" said Dexter. I snapped out of my day dream and reached under the bed for his crown. "Here it is." I said handing Dexter the crown. "Thanks" he said putting it in his suitcase. "So your leaving the day after prom?" I asked. "Yep. The carriage is gonna pick me up early in the morning. Then I'll be on my way home." he said zipping up his last suit case. "I'm gonna miss you Dex." I said. "Yeah, I'll miss you and everyone else too. I might even miss Duchess a little." he said laughing. I laughed too. "Hey, Hunter?" he said. "What?" I asked. "Go to the flower shop, buy a corsage and ask Ashlynn to prom. She's bound to say yes." he said. "I'll do it." I said proudly.

sorry for taking so long

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