The Awkward Feels

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Dexter's POV

flashback to Thronecoming

"So, why'd you think I was dating Cupid?" I asked Raven. "Well on True Hearts day she gave you her heart blossom and you guys are always together so..." she said. "I guess I understand how you thought that." I said. "Your dad seems nice, how'd things go with him?" she asked. "Things went pretty well." I said. "Thanks" she said. "For what?" I asked. "For asking me to Thronecoming. It probably would be boring without you." she smiled. "Y-your welcome" I said. She rested her head on my chest and, we slow danced for three songs straight. I never want to let her go.


I can't believe I confessed my love to Raven yesterday? And I can't believe she likes me back! This is just spelltastic. The only downside to all of this is that we can't be together the way we want to but, I don't care. Raven loves me and thats enough. Me and Cupid hung out in the tea shop where I asked Raven to Thronecoming. "Sorry you didn't win Throncoming Queen." I said. "Oh it's okay, I'm just glad I got to be a part of it." she said. "I have good news Cupid!" I said excited. She looked at me. "I told Raven how I feel and guess what? She feels the same way! Isn't that great?" I cheered. The expression on Cupid's face totally changed. "Does she?" she said in a soft voice. "Yeah, we can't date though because of that rule Head Master Grimm made but I'm still happy." I said. "Dex...Thats awesome!" she said. "Thanks. Hey, can I ask you something." I said. "What?" she said. "You spend so much of your time helping other's with relationship stuff. But you never go out with anyone. Isn't there someone you like?" I said. "....uuumm yeah. He's actually a good friend of mines." she said. "Who? Do I know him?" I asked."you." she quietly said. Cupid likes me? So Daring was right. I don't know how to feel about this. "Sense when?!" I asked.  "Sense forever after, sense I first looked into your eyes." she said blushing. "But then...If you've liked me all this time. Why have you been trying to help me with Raven?" I asked confused. She smiled slightly. "I knew from the second that I realized I liked you, that I couldn't have you. Its my job to help other's follow their hearts. Even if it means sacrificing my own" she said. There was an awkward silence. "Don't worry about it Dex. You belong with Raven."  she said. "I feel bad though. It's not fair to you. I mean I know I'd be upset if Raven liked someone else and talked about them twenty-four, seven" I said. "I've learned to deal with it, besides it's kind of amusing when you're talking about Raven." she said.  "But still, you're always running around and going out of your way to help others follow their heart. You deserve to be with a nice guy, even if it is just a one time thing." I said. "And what guy would that be Dex? You're my only guy friend. Other guys only talk to me when they need dating advice." she said disappointed. We saw Blondie and Humphrey outside of the tea shop. Humphrey tripped over his shoe lace and Cupid bursted out laughing. "Poor thing. He's so clumsy." Cupid giggled. "Humphrey!" I said excited. "What about Humphrey?" Cupid asked. "You should go on a date with Humphrey." I suggested. "Dexter, Madeline Hatter wouldn't even do that!" she stated. "Oh come on he's not that bad, he makes you laugh" I pointed out. She sighed and rested her chin on her fist. Maybe I was pushing her too hard, obviously Cupid's not over me yet. "Sorry" I said. "No its fine. Your right, Humphrey isn't that bad of a guy. I just need some time to...I guess to get over you. I have to go. Its time for my radio show" she said. "Wait! Before you go can I ask one thing?" I said. "Hhm?" she murmured. "What hexactly do you like about me?" I asked.  "'re hexactly what your last name means. You're Charming." she winked and walked away.

Cupid's POV

I'm really happy for Dexter. I always knew he had the potential to confess his true heart to Raven. I just wish he didn't have to know that I like him too. As I prepared for my radio show I read threw a list of topics. One topic that really caught my attention was "Letting Go". Letting go of Dexter is hexactly what I need to do. Especially sense graduation is in two months. Unfortunately, I won't be graduating because I don't age. So after the other students graduate I'll be attending another school in another dimension. Hopefully I won't make the same mistake of falling in love with someone I can't have again. Someone called in on the radio show. "Hey caller. You're on the Cupid, Goddess of love. What matters to your heart?" I said into the mic. "Hi Cupid. Uumm I guess putting other's before myself is what matters." said the caller. "Hexcellent. Whats the situation?" I asked. "Well....there's a boy I really like. And I think he likes me back. But I saw him with another girl. What should I do?" they said. "You said that you think this guy likes you back. What makes you think that?" I asked. "Well he's always super nice to me, I can really trust him...And he almost kissed me this one time." they said. "Well those definitely are signs that he likes you back. But you said that you saw him with another girl? Maybe you should ask him about this girl and find out why he was with her but try not to think about it too much. If thing's don't work out, just let him go." I said. "Okay, Thanks Cupid!" they cheered. I always feel really accomplished when I help people follow their heart but, something about that caller's voice seemed familiar...Too bad I'm not allowed to find out who they were. After I put away all my equipment I left the room. As I was walking, someone was carrying a large box. Before I could move out of the way, they bumped into me. I fell to the floor along with the large box and the person. "Gee! Are you okay Cupid? I'm such a cluts. Sorry." they said. I looked up it was Humphrey Dumpty. I feel like this has happened before? "Hey Hunphrey. Its okay." I said getting up. "Can I make it up to you? I'm supposed to do something nice for people when things like this happen." he shyly said. "Oh it's okay." I said twirling my hair. He smiled slightly. "Well, see you around I guess." he walked away. I started to smile. Dexter walked over to me. "I saw that. You guys look kinda cute together." he joked. "Oh shutup" I said blushing. Dexter laughed a little and walked away. Maybe Dex is right? Hunphrey's not that bad.

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