Good Morning?

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Raven's POV

"Come on Raven wake up!" said Apple pleading as she sang with her morning dove friends. I looked at the clock on my side it was 8:15. I sighed and layed back down. My eyes were almost closed then I realized what today is. "Oh my Grimm Dexter!" I shrieked as I threw off my covers causing them to fall on the floor. I dashed into the bathroom, squeezed toothpaste onto my toothbrush, and brushed my hair simultaneously. I was just about to throw on some clothes then I looked in the mirror and my cheeck bones were covered in a black-purple color because I was too tired to wash the makeup off of my face last night. I twisted the handle of the faucet and then waited for the water to get warm which took forever after. To pass time and not think about Dexter, I attempted to style my hair. I tied it in a high ponytail, and a lock of hair dangled perfectly on the sides of my face. The water was finally warm so I splashed it on my face without realizing how hot it was. "Oh curses!" I yelled from the pain of the boiling water. My face turned slightly red. "Um....You okay Raven?" said Apple on the other side of the door. "Fine." I said back. I yanked the door open to see Apple standing right behind it as if she was waiting for me to come out. "Excuse me" I said pushing past her. I opened my closet door and quickly slipped into some pants and a shirt. I looked in the mirror one last time then darted out the door without closing it. I could hear Apple yelling something in the distance but I was too focused on Dexter to fully listen.

Cupid's POV

I woke up wicked early this morning so that I could say goodbye to Dexter. I tried to hold back my tears as I got dressed. That or at least save my tears for when Dexter is actually gone. Blondie had already made her way to the parking lot where Dexter had been putting his bags in a carriage taxi. I made my way downstairs and outside to the campus. I could feel the soreness forming in my throat as I held in my tears. I never realized how emotional I am until now. I was almost to the parking lot but then I felt like the soreness in my throat was over powering me. I turned back and sat on a bench to let out a deep breath to calm myself down. Instead of a gentle exhale, out came heavy breathing and sobbing. I could see my tears falling on my shoes and gliding down to the pavement. It was as if all of my feelings and memories about Dexter were officially taken out of my life and leaving me feeling empty and completely helpless. Dexter is my favorite person ever after, he came straight into my life and is now being pulled right back out. I started to calm down then I heard a soft manly boy's voice. "Cupid...?" they said. I looked up. Hopper was standing a few steps away from me with his big green eyes. "Hey..." I said wiping the last of my tears away. "Were you crying?" he asked. "Yeah." I said honestly. "Is it because of Dex?" Hopper asked as if he already knew the answer. "Yes, he's my best friend." I said. "Yeah he's mine too. I haven't cried or anything but I am pretty sad about it. I mean me and Dex go way back...." he continued to ramble. Although I had no idea what Hopper was talking about it made me feel better and it took my mind off of Dex. "--Sodoyouwanttogototheparkinglot?" Hopper mumbled. "What?" I said confused. "Do you wanna go to the parking lot now to say goodbye? If you feel better... I mean you look like you feel better. Do you feel better?" he asked. "I'm fine. Let's go." I stood up and we walked to the parking lot. All though saying goodbye to Dexter is the most depressing thing ever, I'm glad I have Hopper to comfort me.

Dexter's POV

I swear I only got like fourty five minutes of sleep due to the fact that Hunter snoars like a bear. I walked with my eyes partially opened to the bathroom. I slowy splashed water on my face then brushed my teeth, styled my hair, then called for a bellhop to carry my several (actually more than that) bags to the parking lot where a carriage taxi would be be waiting for me. I sat on my bed that had nothing on it but the extra pillow that I never used. I looked around my dorm for one last time. I heard Hunter yawning, and the sound of his back cracking as he stretched. I looked over to his messy side of the room, he was still in his tux. "Good morning." I said still feeling sleepy. "Is it?" Hunter said as if he didn't agree. He slid his feet on the floor as he slowly walked to the bathroom. My Mirrorphone rang. "Hello?" I answered. "You're ride is here Mr. Charming." said the secretary. My stomach dropped from disappointment. "I'll be down in a moment..." I said hanging up. I put on my glasses then knocked on the bathroom door. "I'm leaving now. It was a pleasure to be your roommate." I said to Hunter. I was about to step out of the dorm when Hunter raced out of the bathroom. "That is not a proper goodbye Dex!" he said. He put on his shoes and followed me out the dorm.

Hunter and I got to the parking lot. The bellhop was putting my bags in the trunk of the carriage taxi. Daring showed up a few minutes later. Cerise, Blondie, Cedar, Hopper and a few other's showed up to say goodbye. I didn't realize that I'd be missed so much, I was surprised that so many people even care. The only person I really wanted to see one last time is Raven. I'm sure she'll be here though. I was so delirious from not getting any sleep that could barely understand what people were saying. I just wanted to see Raven. The driver was looking at me and started to tap his watch as a way of saying that it's time to go. I looked in the distance for Raven but I didn't see her yet. "Just a few more minutes... Please?" I said to the driver. "Alright whatever." he said. I started saying goodbye to everyone. "Goodbye Dexter. You were the best camera man ever after." said Blondie hugging me. "Thanks for everything bro." said Sparrow who surprisingly spoke normally for once. "Keep in touch roomy" said Hunter hugging me. "Your the best. I'll miss you man." said Hopper. "I cannot tell a lie. I'll miss you lots." said Cedar. "I don't do goodbye's so see you later Dex." said Cerise. I was already feeling the love then I walked up to Cupid who was holding back tears. "Please don't cry." I said hugging Cupid. "I'll always remember you Dexter." she sniffled. I kissed her cheek gently. Then right when I turned to my brother someone grabbed my shoulder. I turned around to see Raven panting for air and resting her hands on her knees. "I-- ran--- so fast. Sorry I'm---late." she said. I didn't even care that Raven was late. I swooped her up into my arms and kissed her sweet lips. The crowd awed and took pictures. "I love you so much." I said becoming teary eyed. Raven looked up at me and smiled as a tear ran down her cheeck. "And I love you. More than you could ever know." she said kissing my hand then hugging me. "Raven!" yelled a soft voice. Apple pushed through the group of people and approached Raven who I was still holding in my arms. "You forgot shoes silly." said Apple holding up Raven's boots. "Thanks but I don't need them." Raven said still hugging me. Apple smiled and stepped back. "Alright Mr. Charming. We gotta beat traffic so wrap up your love fest and lets hit the road." said the driver. Raven held me tighter, I knew I had to let her go but I just couldn't get my arms to do so. "Come on Dex. Dad's waiting." said Daring waiting for me to let go of Raven. I looked into Raven's eye's and kissed her one last time then I got into the carriage taxi. I poked my head out of the window. "Goodbye Dexter. Say Hi to Darling for me." said Apple. "See you in a few weeks." said Daring. I looked at Raven who was looking back at me. We just stared into each other's eyes. She slowly waved her hand. I could feel tears falling as I waved back. I looked at Raven and all the spelltacular friends I have, the friends I consider family. "Goodbye!" I yelled out the window. I rolled the window up as the driver drove off. I looked through the back window and watched Raven as she began to appear smaller and smaller as the taxi drove away.

I turned around and put my seatbelt on. "Beautiful morning isn't it?" said the driver. "I don't know. Is it?" I said kind of like Hunter had said this morning. The driver looked at me in his mirror and raised an eyebrow. "That's a lovely bunch'o friends you've got back there." he said. "yeah...they're the best." I said looking out the tented windows. "So was that your girl I saw you kissin?" he asked. Obviously Raven is mine. Why else would I have kissed her? I'm not in the mood for small talk. "Yeah." I said sliding the window that divides the driver from the passengers shut.

Everything will be different now. Tomorrow I'll be back at home most likely alone wishing that I had homework to do, or be woken up by Hunter's squirrel, Pesky. I'm happy to see my parents and sister but, what about everything else I'm basically leaving behind? Godmother. Why does Headmaster Grimm have to be so controlling and unfair? I got a hext from Raven. "It feels like I just found the Prince Charming to my story but, an evil sorcerer in a carriage taxi took him away. ;) :'(". The message made me laugh and feel sad at the same time. "It feels like I just won the heart of a beautiful damsel but she's trapped in castle that they call school" I replied. I slumped down in my seat and started to fall asleep with the thought of Raven on my mind.

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