Finding Wings and Leaving Roots

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Dexter's POV

Me and my brother Daring start our last year at Ever After High tomorrow. Tonight is our last night with our parents and sister Darling so we had a special good bye dinner. Darling was pretty emotional, I wasnt sure if it was because she would miss me and Daring or if she was jealous that she had to wait another year before attending Ever After High. Darling is my twin sister which means she should be attending Ever After high with me and Daring now but, the thing is female Charmings are hextremly rare. So she doesn't have a destiny to live up to. I don't have a destiny either but, thats the whole point of me going to Ever After for the second year, to find my true destiny. I don't think its fair that my sister has to wait because she's a girl though.

Darings POV

Dad threw my younger brother and I a charming good bye dinner before attending our last year at Ever After High. It's pretty hexciting to think that after this year I'll begin my story. My sister Darling just couldn't seem to keep it together though.  Dexter is her twin and they have a bond I could never understand but, I'll do anything to comfort my only sister even if she is a Rebel. She can't attend Ever After High for another year because of the fact that she's a female Rebel Charming which barely happens. So because she doesnt have a destiny or even a simple story, she can't go to Ever After High. I'd help her but as the oldest son of King Charming and heir to the throne, I must show no weakness' and hocus focus on my destiny even if the damsel I am destined to save is the perky sweet Apple White who's been my friend forever after.

that night

Dexter: Do you think Darling will be okay?

Daring: I'm sure our sister can manage another year without watching her brother's practice sword fighting and saving "damsels in distress" 24/7 (packs seven hand mirrors).

Dexter: (packs extra glasses) True but, it must be boring sitting in the Castle all day thinking about her future.

Daring: Darling is a strong creative girl and who knows maybe while we're away the story book of legends will enter her and give her a story or a destiny.

Dexter: Daring the chances of that are like zero. I don't even think that's how it works (packs crown polisher). You should go to the royal dentist and get your teeth whitened before they close.

Daring: Oh curses! Be back soon, I'll finish packing later and when I get home we'll take our annual good bye tour of the castle. (runs out heroically)

Dexters POV

Daring and I always pack our belongings together because, our enchanted closets link together at our command to create one giant closet with my stuff on one side and his on the other. Its the one time a year when we actually get to talk and be...well brothers! Dad always keeps us busy with learning to be a good Prince or future king and it takes away our bonding time. Anyway after Daring and I get our stuff packed we wait for our parents, sister, maids, and indoor guards to fall a sleep. Then we tour the entire castle admiring everything and remembering all of our good times. Then we disscuss our goals for the new school year. What girls we'll swoon or fall for, how we'll improve in our classes to become better princes, and what we'll do differently. It may sound silly but, once we start school we won't see each other. Well we'll see each other and hang out occasionally but, it won't be the same. We'll have to catch up with our friends, get our class schedules made, get used to our new roommates, keep up with school clubs, and hocus focus on school work. My brother can be a royal pain, arrogant, and as conceded as a peacock, but he's my BFFA.

Raven's POV

On the night before starting my last year of Ever After High I had a simple dinner with my father, the Good King who married my mother the Evil Queen. "Have you everything ready for tomorrow my dear?" he asked. "Yes, I woke up early this morning and practiced my levitation spell to pack everything." I replied. "Thats good. If your done with dinner Raven, you should contact your mother." He suggested. I stared at him blankly. "I know your mother puzzles you my dear but, she hasn't seen you for a while and no one else contacts her in mirror prison. I would gladly go with you for comfort." he said with a smile. "No, I can do it alone." I said.

I entered the west wing of the castle where my mother does all of her wickedness or at least she used to. There were cobwebs and dust every where, I nearly choked as I made my way through. Finally I found the magic mirror that connects me to mother. I stared into the mirror until my reflection turned into my mothers. "All grown up are we?" her deep soft voice said. "Hi mom" I said softly looking at her. " You look lovely my child. I see your father stopped buying your clothes" she said laughing evilly. My dad used to buy me really girly and bright colored clothing that mother couldn't stand. "uh-I I start my last year Ever After High." I said nervously. Its hard to maintain a steady conversation with mom when she has that straight scary yet beautiful look on her face. I know its just the way she looks but, it gets intimidating quickly. "Senior year eh? Gonna finally poison that Apple White? Why would that Snow name her child Apple? So original." she said. I sat quiet. I don't want to kill Apple I mean I can't stand her most of the time but she's still a good friend and...I'm not evil. "Raven? Raven!" mother shouted. I was lost in thought. "Oh sorry mom." I said. "Some day I hope to get out of this endless realm of reflections. And back to the wonderful family I have." she said. I always find it nice when mom talks about coming back, it reminds me that she's still human and has a heart. I looked at an old grandfather clock the was behind the mirror. "I should probably go to bed now." I said "Okay my child good night. Raven, I love and miss you so very much. And do tell your father hello." she smiled a devious smile then the mirror went blurry.

On the way to my room I got a hext from Madeline Hatter daughter of the Mad Hatter, I had no idea what her message meant I think she forgets that I'm not good at speaking riddlesh.

Raven: Maddie you know I cant understand riddlesh very well

Maddie: Teehee, Apologies my friend. Anyways, I think I left my favorite tea cup at your house if you find it can you bring it tomorrow????????????

Raveb: Sure thing Maddie

Maddie: Teariffic heeheeheee the sun now sets. See you soon my good friend. Time to rest

Raven: goodnight Maddie :)

Dexter's POV

This morning mom covered my face and Daring's with good bye kisses. Dad mostly said goodbye to Daring and encouraged him to swoon every maiden on Legacy Day. Darling hugged me tightly and whispered in my ear "When you get to Ever After High make it your year. Don't stand in Darings shadow. Let every royal and rebel know who you are!" Although she's a Rebel, Darling is Royally Wise. Dad patted my back almost knocking me over and said with a booming voice "Son, your destiny is not yet discovered. Find yourself this year, ace every class you take with Charming pride. Watch Daring you can learn a lot from him. Come here!" he reached out to hug me. As I hugged him back I thought about what he had just said. Dad always starts off a lecture encouraging me then takes a major turn by comparing me to Daring. I wish I was more like Daring so that dad wouldn't do that, more than that I wish he would understand that I am not my brother.

Daring's POV

"Dear stop. your messing up the boys crown". Dad said saving me from a million motherly kisses. I started to walk towards Darling to say good bye when Dad blocked my path, placed his hand gently on my shoulder and said "Daring, you are my first born. You have Charming blood all throughout your veins. You are strong, brave, witty, and I don't know anyone who can make a maiden swoon the way that you do. When you get to that school walk in with Charming Pride and let those students know who's Daring!" "Yes father!" I said. Father said something similar to Dexter. Finally I made my way to Darling."Fair well, Sister may life here be adventurous for you." I said going for a hug. "And try not to break any girls heart this year Daring. I'll miss you" she replied

Daring and Dexter board the Carriage taxi to Ever After High

Raven's POV

Dad held me in his arms for what seemed like forever after but I enjoyed the moment."Good bye Raven do great things this year." he said stroking my cheek. "You'll be alright here won't you?" I asked. "Haha of course. I've been thinking I might travel while your away." he said happily". I smiled and my eyes watered a little as I stepped onto the Carriage Taxi. "Goodbye dad." he waved.

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