Bravest of Them All

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Raven's POV

"Hey Apple, have you noticed how Daring has been sort of...well. He seems less...Godmother, I don't know how to put it but--" Apple cut me off. "Cowardly?" Apple said. "Yeah! Its like he's sensitive and takes things too seriously." I said. "Yeah he's been pretty weird over the last few days. We should talk to him." Apple suggested. "You know what? We shouldn't make this a simple "friendly" conversation...we should make this an intervention." I suggested. "We should get all of Daring's closest friends in on it too. We have to figure out what's going on with our friend. Graduation is in two days from now." said Apple. "Okay, lets call a meeting in the grimmnasium first thing tomorrow morning." I suggested. "Hexecellent! Goodnight Raven." said Apple turning her lamp off. "Goodnight. I said turning my lamp off as well.

The next morning, Apple and I told Sparrow, Hunter, Hopper, Cerise, and Briar to meet in the grimmnasium. While I explained to everyone why we were there, Apple went to go find Daring and bring him to us. "So...we're here because why?" asked Sparrow. "Yeah why are we here? I still have last minute decorating to do for graduation." said Briar. "Pesky, not now!" yelled Hunter as a squirrel ran under the bleachers. "Guys we're here because Daring hasn't been acting like his normal self and we need to figure out why before graduation." I stated. For some reason everyone turned to Cerise. "What?" said Cerise's soft voice. " are Daring's girlfriend." said Hopper. "Do you know what's wrong?" asked Briar. "Well I guess he's been different lately...but I wouldn't know anything about it." she said tugging on her hood. "Oh come on. You don't know anything?" said Sparrow to Cerise. "No." said Cerise. "Calm down guys. That's why we're here. We're here to find out what's wrong with Daring." I said.

Daring's POV

Apple asked me to help her move some boxes in the grimmnasium, which was pretty random. I didn't ask questions, I just followed Apple to the grimmnasium. "How are you?" Apple asked. "Okay I guess. You?" I asked. "I'm fine." she said. We continued walking and made our way to the grimmnasium. I walked in and immediately looked around for whatever boxes that needed to be moved, but I found none. Then I walked around and noticed Cerise and all of my friends sitting on the bleachers. I walked over to Cerise and kissed her on the cheek. "What's going on guys?" I asked. I heard the sound of the grimmnasium door slamming shut, it echoed throughout the entire room. "Think of it as...a friendly intervention." said Raven. "Umm...Cerise what is this?" I whispered to Cerise. "You've been acting weird lately. We just want figure out why."she whispered back. Cerise grabbed my hand and walked me over to the bleachers with everyone else. I sat down, everyone looked at me as if my crown was crooked. "I brought you here because some of us can't help but notice how different you've been acting." said Apple. "Different how?" I asked. "You're not yourself. You seem sort of cowardly and careless." said Raven. "Well what's that supposed to mean?!" I said feeling offended by the word "cowardly". "Dude ever since your brother left, you've been sort of lame." said Sparrow. I was so confused. Why are my friends saying such things all of the sudden? "Guys, come on. I'm fine." I said trying to convince them that nothings wrong. Apple gave me that look she's gives people when she knows something is wrong. "Daring we've known each other since once upon a time. I know when you're upset. Tell us what's been bothering you." said Apple. "Yeah Daring. We've all been friends for a long time--". said Hunter getting cut off by Sparrow. "Well hexcept for Cerise... she wasn't really are friend until all that stuff happened with the dare, and Legacy Day, and Thronecoming, ouch!" said Sparrow being elbowed by Hunter. "Thanks" I said to Hunter. "Back to the subject guys." said Raven pulling out her MirrorPad. "What are you doing?" I asked Raven. "Video chatting Dex. He needs to be apart of this too." she said facing the screen towards me. "Oh my crown! Guy's I'm fine!" I said getting mad. "Come on Daring. We all know that's a fable." said Cerise. I looked towards her in disappointment. Cerise was the only person I'd think not to be on my side. "Daring, we all care about you. Just tell us what's on your mind. Anything at all." said Apple placing her hand on my shoulder. Obviously they weren't going to leave me alone anytime soon, so, I thought about everything that's been bothering me. I though about what it is like to be a Royal, a prince, the son of King Charming, the Heir to the throne, the eldest of three, the best friend of Apple White, Apple Whites future prince charming, being in love a rebel who's part wolf, being a good friend to everyone I've ever known, captains of the bookball team, being looked up to by an entire school, hexpected to be the hero in every situation. All of my life I've been looked to as a hero or a problem solver, the person who can do it all, but does anyone realize how stressful that is?

"Do you guy's ever feel're responsible for everything?" I asked. Mostly everyone hexcept for Apple said no. "Well, I feel that way all of the time...I just keep it to myself I guess." I said. "Well, you are always cleaning up after someone." Raven said. "Well its kind of my job. All of my life I've been the important one or the skilled one or the heroic one. Its wicked tiring." I said. "I know how you feel Daring, but we all have our part to play.". said Apple. I felt annoyed with Apple, she makes everything seem so easy and spelltastic, maybe if she wasn't so determined to live out her story she'd understand how the majority of us feel. "Apple, have you even had a chance to live like a teenager?" I asked. "What do you mean?" she innocently said. "You're always putting your destiny first and doing anything and everything you can to be the next Snow White. Whether it's fund raising, or volunteering at any event possible. Aren't you tired?" I said. "I have to be that way Daring. I don't mean to brag, but my story is the most important out of everyone's. If I mess up then everyone ever after will be effected and that would be a total fairy fail." she explained. "Well don't any of you know what I mean? Come on Raven all you've ever talked about is writing your own story. Hunter you were the first rebel ever after to date a Royal, I know you understand how it feels to just want to close the book and let life guide you instead of waiting for something to happen. I'm tired of being "Prince Daring Charming." I just wanna be Daring. Is that so bad?" I asked. "Daring we all understand you, but graduation is tomorrow. We all need you to be the heroic leader that you've always been. Why would you want to give that up all of the sudden?" said Hunter. "Because." I said. "Because what?" asked Apple. "Because I..." I mumbled. "What? Is it because of me?" asked Cerise. "No of course not." I said grabbing her hand. "Is it because of our future together?" asked Apple. "" I stated. "Is it because your next in line for the throne?" asked Dexter who was video chatting through Raven's MirrorPad. "No... Its not that." I said. "Is it because you're scared...?" asked Raven "pssh! Daring Charming afraid? That's like Me and Hunter forgetting how to shoot an arrow." Sparrow stated. I said quietly for a moment. Am I afraid? Is this what my senior year has had in store for me? I've done everything that I've felt is right. I did that stupid dare to Cerise...which was just straight up mean, but then again I ended up liking her and now she's my girlfriend. I do remember how confused I felt when I first started to have feelings for her, and even more confused when I found out that Dexter had a crush on Raven. I was worried about what Apple would do if she knew I liked a rebel, and even more worried about what Headmaster Grimm would do at first, I couldn't even imagine how dad would feel, I mean Darling's a rebel... Right? I've done brave outstanding things this year, but I've done a lot of risky things and made hard decisions that would make me feel guilty. I even lost my charm for a while. "That's nonsense Raven. Why in the kingdom would Daring be afraid?" asked Apple. "It was just a stupid thought I--" I cut Raven off. "No. You're right Raven. I think... I think I am afraid..." I admitted. "What could you possibly be afraid of?" asked Cerise. "The future..." I stated. "Daring your future is gonna be spelltastically wicked. How is that scary?" asked Raven. "Yeah? How's that scary Daring?" asked Apple. "You don't understand. I'll be responsible for so many things once I become king. Everyone will rely on me for everything. I'm not ready for that kind of pressure." I said. "Daring you've been training for this your whole life. Dad thinks you're ready. I know that you're ready. Anyone in this grimmnasium. Anyone in this whole school can see that you're ready." Dexter stated. "Dexter's right Daring." said Apple. "Totally man! Come on Daring hero up!" yelled Sparrow. "I'm pretty sure that every one of us is or was scared of our futures at some point, but we don't have to be afraid of something that hasn't happened yet. And right now we don't have time to be afraid. Especially not with graduation being tomorrow." Raven said. Cerise stood up and stoop in front of me. "Daring. You're a hero. You're my hero. So act like one. Everything is going to be just fine. You don't need to be afraid...because... you're the bravest of them all." she said kissing me. "Aaww" said everybody. I looked around at all of my friends, who're basically my second family, and realized how much I mean to much they mean to me. "So graduation's tomorrow?" I stated. Everyone nodded. "Well then...I guess I'd better go practice my speech!" I cheered. "Fabelous!" Apple squealed. "Thanks guys" I said. "Aah don't even mention it. Its what friends do." said Sparrow

Please Read:

I know I say this a lot, but sorry for taking so long. I've been swamped with school work and have also been sick these past couple of days. This fanfic is at least 2-3 chapters away from being done, but no worries I'll publish another fanfic shortly after. I hope you enjoyed. Make sure that you vote and leave comments I love to read your feedback!! <3 :)

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