Mine is ours

9 1 0

5 hours later :

Phone rings Beth :

It was 3:07 am and Paige's phone was ringing causing her to wake up.

Paige - *inhales , exhales* Hello ?

Beth - hey we need you to come back to Chicago

Paige - is something wrong?

Beth - no , nothing like that , we just need you back here

Paige -  alright I'll take the first plane out to Chicago

Paige hangs up and then got dressed for the rest of the day. Paige tried to call Noah but it would go straight to voicemail , which was odd because he always answered Paige no matter what. Paige began to worry while she was packing for her flight. Paige went to the airport and 15 minutes later she called her brother Zac.

Zac -  Paige why did you leave , my mom called me and told me about it

Paige - I just wanted to go home and I missed Noah too much  

Zac - Paige , you couldn't resist your Mafia boyfriend ?

Paige - I don't know what you're talking about !!

Zac - oh come on , we know Noah told us

Paige - I know you're disappointed

Zac -  were not Sam and I are not , we just want you to be happy

Sam - Paige we know . . . we know that your pregnant

Paige - how do you know everything . . . wait let me guess . . . Noah

Sam -yeah *chuckles*

Paige - I love that man *smiles *

Zac - Paige if you need anything call us okay , I know phoenix is a long way from Chicago but still call just in case

Paige - I know , I love you guys *hangs up*

Paige finally gets to Chicago and goes back to her apartment to relax before going to Noah's. It was 6:30 pm Paige had arrived at 3:30. Paige kept getting calls from Beth and which made her wake up.

Phone call Beth :

Paige - hello ? Beth ?

Beth - hey , where have you been? I've been calling you for an hour !!!

Paige - I've been asleep  , why what's wrong ?

Beth - it's Noah !!

Paige - what happened

Beth - everything is going to be fine

Paige - that doesn't answer my question , what the fuck happened to Noah?

Rio - Paige come to his house , I'll explain everything when your here

Paige hung up and grabbed her keys and quickly left her apartment and went over to Noah's house. "Noah !'' Paige kept saying over and over again in her head. She was so worried about what happened , she hoped everything was okay. Paige got to Noah's house and she entered his house and an up the stairs and saw Rio in front of Noah's room

Rio - Paige?

Paige - what happened ?

Rio - Noah was shot 2 times

Paige - *starts to have tears* Where is he ?

Rio - *steps aside* he's in there . .. waiting for you

Paige rushed inside into the room and over to Noah.  Noah was in his bed sleeping.

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