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After the birth of their child, Pete and Valentina and are living an idyllic suburban life in the town of New York City, in bliss of the peace and quiet

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After the birth of their child, Pete and Valentina and are living an idyllic suburban life in the town of New York City, in bliss of the peace and quiet. 

At least, that's how they want to see it.

The spotlight casted on them since the beginning of their relationship up to the birth had never left them. Trying to have some kind of privacy was no longer an option for them, no matter how hard they tried. Nevertheless, being the power couple that they are, they were able to shelter their only child from the glitz and glamor toxicity that is fame.

But when Sabrina began to question what her parents did for a living, how could Pete and Valentina answer that? 

They could choose to be honest, but how will she take it? 

Will it be cumbersome to once again, balance fame and normality?

Is it better to lie to her?

Because when it came to their daughter, they would do anything to make sure she is safe.

Both Pete and Valentina chose a career that involved living in a fishbowl, Sabrina didn't.

With the help of friends and family, follow along as we see the Davidsons navigate stardom and parenthood.

What hijinks and shenanigans will they get themselves into?

Will drama ensue?

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