Chapter 3: Provoking Brown

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Draco Malfoy rarely gets amused by something. The young man gets bored so easily, he would usually just sit at the back of the room and find ways to make fun of his classmates in his head. The only one he's amused with is himself and his brilliance. That was until he transferred to Hogwarts and came to know Hermione Granger.

Hogwarts is so diverse that he can easily distinguish it from the stillness and quiet that is Beauxbaton. And among the diversities, he found an adversary in Harry Potter and his friends. Potter's popularity was so well formed, thanks to his missionary parents, Draco almost forgot how high up his family status is among the families belonging in the Sacred Twenty-eight.

These families are the wealthiest of the wealthy for so long, it was an impossible thought to have a member from such family to be seen wearing hand me down clothes. Draco easily learned nothing is impossible upon meeting Ron Weasley. The red head's family had fallen from grace that even his manners were uncouth. That was his first impression when the youngest Weasley boy snorted when he introduced himself. He hasn't changed his opinion of the person ever since.

While his impression of the red head seem to last, Harry Potter's a different matter. Of Hermione Granger, more so. The former has made a name of himself apart from what his parents have built for themselves. The latter made a name where no name was heard of.

This is the reason why he found himself peering at Theodore Nott's facebook feed. Anything Hermione Granger, he found mildly interesting. That's what he tells himself at least.


Pansy Parkinson -- feeling naughty with Theo Nott and 2 others

"When you're so good at lying, you actually believe it's the truth"

Theo Nott @Pansy Is this about that dinner during the Christmas holidays with your family?

          Blaise Zabini @Theo You mean when she brought some guy and introduced him as a #friend.

          Theo Nott @Blaise No. I meant in first year. When she told everyone at the dinner table how she's the prettiest girl in our batch.

          Pansy Parkinson @ Theo Very funny. @Blaise Did that happen? Or was it a different family's dinner table? xD


TheoKnut: Draco's being a gramps.

PrettyPansy: Really now? What is it this time?

TheoKnut: He's next to me, reading my feed.

TheoKnut: And this chat.

PrettyPansy: So?

TheoKnut: Says you shouldn't provoke anyone with your post.

PrettyPansy: For the record, I didn't mention anyone in my status.

TheoKnut: We both know it's about Brown and the weasel. Stop it Pans. - D

PrettyPansy: Is it my problem if any of them reacts? I'm merely saying how I feel.

TheoKnut: When Brown retaliates at this, don't say I didn't warn you.

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