Chapter 25: My Father Will Hear About This

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Draco Malfoy changed his profile picture two minutes ago.


Hermione Granger changed her profile picture two minutes ago.


Pansy Parkinson 

-- Hermione's dp and Draco's dp --

"You don't mind me grabbing these do you? Congratulations on being head girl Hermione. :) And congratulations on getting the head girl be your girlfriend Draco. :D <3"

1k likes 1.4k love 296 shares

Blaise Zabini Lol! You really are not one for subtleties Pans.

       Theodore Nott I don't see anything subtle about

       Draco changing his dp into Hermione's picture.

       Harry Potter Nor Hermione changing hers to

       his picture.

Luna Lovegood Congratulations Draco and Hermione

       Draco Malfoy Thanks Lovegood. :)

       Hermione Granger Thank you Luna. <3

Cho Chang These two, finally. <3 <3 

       Cedric Diggory Lol! I can finally take a break from

       your constant guessing about their status.

Oliver Wood Wow. My darling's taken again. :(

       Draco Malfoy Sorry mate. xD

Michael Corner We knew this was going to happen.

       Tracey Davis We did, didn't we? xD 

Dean Thomas See those shares? That's the number of people winning on their bet. xD

       Neville Longbottom You mean you won then? xD

       Hannah Abbott Lol! He did share it. 

       Ginny Weasley Hahaha. Pay up Charlie.

Andromeda Black Tonks Lucius should hear about this Narcissa Malfoy Bella Black Lestrange

       Sirius Black Invitations at the ready Cissy?


 "And that's how you know how popular one Draco Malfoy and one Hermione Granger are. Together?" Pansy said shaking her head. They haven't even reached Hogwarts and her post already got a lot of reponses.

"Can only be beat by Harry Potter and Pansy Parkinson combined." Harry grinned.

"Excuse me."

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