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"Are you sure this is where you saw her?" Carlisle questioned Alice

"She's almost here" Alice looked around "on your left!"

The group moved as soon as Alice spoke running towards Victoria Christine in front catching up the quickest, they continued running forward Thea trying to get closer so she could use her gift. Limitations were quite the bothersome thing. They continued to run following the red that was surrounded by green. Christine was grabbing at Victoria's hair pulling her back but was kicked into a tree taking out Emmet in the process, they continued the chase Emmet and Christine soon joined in when they came to a halt watching as Victoria entered their land. They followed along the riverside watching as the wolves came out chasing her on their side.

"She'll getaway!" Esme shouted

"No she won't" Jasper called back speeding up

Victoria jumped back to the other side of the river Victoria slipped out their grip each time and Emmet accidentally went into the wolf's territory he was thrown into the lake the wolf to distracted by Emmet to chase after Victoria

"Shit" Thea watched as Victoria ran away again
Thea knocked on the window of Edward's car getting a scare into Bella as she turned

"Jesus" Bella huffed getting out of the car

"Well you guys were just sitting there all awkwardly for like 10 minutes I thought I'd come to break it up" she pouted

"We got class let's go" Bella grabbed her arm pulling her away from Edward

"How was Renee?" Thea questioned with a smile

"She's good she made me a quilt with all the travel shirts I got as a kid" Bella muttered sadly

"Oh...I get it" Thea stopped talking after hearing that Bella spent the weekend with someone who would eventually turn into memory much like those very shirts. They paused seeing a familiar wolf in a black shirt standing outside the front of the school

"Hey" Bella stopped looking up at Jacob

"Charlie said you left town" Jacob looked at Bella closely

"Yeah to visit my mum, why?" Bella questioned

"He's checking to see if you're still human" Edward held a smile filled with disbelief

"Look I'm here to warn you if your kind come on our land again—"

"Wait what?" Bella looked between the three of them

"You didn't tell her?" Jacob shook his head

"Just leave it alone Jacob" Edward wanted the secret to remaining secret

"We weren't ready to tell her yet" Thea frowned

"Tell me what?" Bella looked at the vampire's questions bubbling in her head

"Emmet and Paul had a misunderstanding" Edward brushed the truth behind him

"Listen to you...did you lie to get her out of town too?" Jacob looked to Edward who rushed forward

"You should leave. Now."

"She has a right to know" Jacob defended

"And we also have a right to tell her when we're ready" Thea knew Jacob was right but telling Bella about Victoria would send her off the edge but to be fair she hasn't exactly been back on it for a while

"Well the way I see it Bella is the one the redhead wants" Jacob disregarded the two people in front of him and told her anyway

"Victoria!? Alice's vision that was it" Bella grew angry

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