New blood

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"Welcome to the family" Emse turned hearing Bella walk inside

"You!" Thea rushed over to Bella squeezing her

"I'm sorry...Edward told me what happened" Bella spoke into her ear

"No more dying" Thea tugged pulled back wiping the tears away "I don't cry a lot but you keep making it seem like I do"

Bella let out a laugh "I'm sorry"

"Renesme is with Rose, she won't let her out of her sight" Thea moved to the side and Bella walked forward excitedly seeing her daughter

"Thank you" Bella smiled and walked forward

"You look amazing Bella" Alice smiled seeing her now

"Someone has been waiting to meet you" Carlisle commented

"Rose" Edward spoke and she turned to hand the baby over to Bella placing her hand on her mother's cheek

"What was that?" Bella questioned

"She showed you the first memory she has of you" Edward explained

"Showed me how?" Bella questioned once more

"How do I hear thoughts? How does Alice see the future? And how does Thea control the mind? We're just gifted" Edward smiled at his daughter as Bella opened her babies mouth seeing teeth

"I've only been out for two days?" She questioned

"The growth rate is unpredictable" Carlisle answered what she was obviously thinking

"We have been monitoring it but it'" Christine watched as Bella got nervous

"Alright that's enough experimenting for one day" Jacob reached over to get Renesme

"Jacob she's doing great" Edward shook his head

"Yeah let's not push it though" he reached out again

"What's your problem?" Bella pulled away from her daughter

"Oh this will be great" Thea and Christine snickered

"Something bad always happens when you two are entertained at the same time" Emmet was now smirking

"Do tell her Jacob" Rosalie was now getting in on the excitement to Bella's reaction

"Hang on a second" Edward paused the atmosphere and held Renesme gently so Bella wouldn't accidentally hurt her

Bella took a step forward and Jacob gulped "look it's a wolf thing"

"What's a wolf thing?" Bella turned her head and Rosalie sent a smirk to Jacob walking over to Edward to take Renesme and then to Thea

"You know we have no control over it and we can't control who it happens with and it doesn't mean what you think Bella I promise" Jacobs voice shook

"Take Renesme out of the room" Bella ordered and Rosalie followed very excited to spend more time with the baby

Edward put his hand on Bella's shoulder "Edward don't touch me right now I don't want to hurt you"

Bella moved her hand behind Jacobs's head grabbing onto his hair and dragging him out the back door to the forest

"You imprinted on my daughter?!" Bella screamed the rest of the family joining

"He's so fucked" Thea chuckled to herself

"She's gonna destroy him" Christine beamed

"Bella it wasn't my choice" Jacob stood up

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