Night over

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"Gotcha" Thea caught Bella who had just lost her footing on the icy ground

"Thanks" Bella stood up with the help of her friend "ice doesn't really help the non-coordinated"

"I put some new tires on the truck the old ones were getting kinda bare" Charlie got out of the car approaching the teens "I may be late to dinner I gotta head down to mason county security guard at the mill got killed by some kind of animal"

"Animal? At the'd it get all the way there?" Thea looked to Charlie

"Unsure about that one which is why I figured I'd lend a hand" Charlie opened his police car door

"Be careful" Bella sent a worried look

"Always am" Charlie got in his car and when he was about to close the door Bella thanked him for the tires
Thea chuckled seeing the messages Alice was sending her about how excited she was for Friday. She hugged Bella goodbye and walked to her locker to grab her English books walking forward while focusing on putting them in her backpack bumping into a familiar blonde

"Sorry" she looked at Rosalie who now had a direct glance that seemed to be the same height as her

"It's fine just be more careful next time" Rosalie fixed her jacket kicking her feet to the side deciding to ask the obvious question "Are you feeling alright?"

"Hmmn?" Thea looked to her asking what she meant

"It's just you seem distracted which doesn't sound like you from what Alice tells me" the pair moved to the side getting out of the way of people in the hallways her ally not caring if they'd be late at this point

"I'm fine just been thinking about the animal attack and my friend's dad going to check it out" she sighed

"Animal attack?" Rosalie questioned

"Yeah some guy at the mill was attacked I still have no idea how an animal big enough to kill a grown man got up there" Thea was confused thinking of anything strong enough then groaned hearing the bell

"We should head to class Ill see you Friday" Rosalie suddenly walked off in a hurry grabbing out her phone

'Bella talking to the legendary asshole Cullen good for her' Thea thought suddenly seeing Edward turn his head as if he could her talk shit about him before walking off

"What was that about? Did he apologize?" Thea looked to Bella confused as they walked to the truck

"He kinda his eyes look different to you?" Bella questioned

"I don't know I haven't seen them" Thea looked over to where the Cullens sat in their fancy cars "why does she have to be so stupidly pretty"

"What?" Bella chuckled

"Rosalie....she's in my head belles... she lives in my head" she groaned as Bella laughed harder putting her bag on the truck

"You could just use your amazing charm and ask her out" Bella turned to her

"Her dad works with my aunt I don't wanna make things weird for Charlotte...she's got enough to deal with when it comes to me" she sighed leaning next to Bella looking to the clouds as Bella sent another look to Edward

They heard a car horn go off and a black van sliding over to them Thea grabbed onto Bella trying to use herself as a shield to at least attempt to keep her safe when Edward came and stopped the van with his bare hands seeing Rosalie pull Edward away from them before the crowd ran over screaming their names to ask if they were okay
"Bella...Thea are you two okay?" Charlie walked over spotting the boy who drove the van "you and I are gonna talk"

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