Fianl Battle

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The fight Alice showed Aro

Very short chapter

Alice twisted her leg sending Aro flying back, as he landed Alice attempted to run away but was captured by two of the Voltori members along with Jasper.

"Take her away" Aro ordered

"Let her go!" Carlisle screamed rushing after his daughter and Aro came forward after Carlisle took out two of the voltori members

There was a sound of glass shattering and Carlisle's body collapsed to the ground his head in Aros's hands. The scream that came from Esme was shattering...the sounds from everyone else were just as gut-wrenching as the last.

Edward was the first to move as the body was set on fire the rest of the group followed as the voltori were sent after them

Thea came down onto a brunette voltori member ripping his head off using her abilities to send several other members after each other as she watched Seth and Leah run past her to other members.

Rosalie was beside her ripping off the arms of a woman than her head and kicking another man into the snow pulling the body away from his head.

Thea froze up when she heard Alice scream seeing jaspers head in the snow, she watched as Alice freed herself and went after the people that killed her husband.

Christine and Emmet went after Alex taking him down together with Emmet holding him down and Christine tearing off his head.

Tanya and Kate fight together using attacks that matched each other's fighting style gracefully and viciously

Thea and Rosalie continued to stay close also fighting side by side when the ground underneath them shook Thea grabbed her girlfriend throwing her to safety as Thea fell down the large hole digging her fingers into the rock grabbing on for dear life, she waited until she was able to get a grip on a ledge pulling herself back up being greeted with an angry Rosalie yelling at her for not getting herself to safety first

They got back up and continued to fight with Alice and Paul going after Jane and her getting her head ripped off after being mauled

The voltori were now desperate at staying alive. Thea going after Marcus using her mental manipulation to send him to disarray after he had gone after Vladimir and Stephan, she went for his legs first shattering them before delivering a kick forwards to his back-breaking it in and wrapping her hands around his jaw twisting his head around and hearing a shutter as it had rolled to the ground flames soon covering it

Kate and Tanya took care of Caius and Edward and Bella went after Aro

The remaining of the voltori were soon killed by the rest of the group as they didn't want a single one of them to make it out alive

Thea ran over to Rosalie tackling a voltori man down with Rose coming up beside her and taking away his head

Edward and Bella had finally set Aro on fire

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