Unwelcomed company

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"When Aro wants someone from a coven it doesn't take long for 'evidence' proving that coven committed said crime" Eleazar sat downshifting his legs

"So he's done this before?" Bella questioned

"It happens so rarely that I never realized it was a pattern"

"Apparently he always claims one person's thoughts that he claims are repented" Carlisle watched as the room shifted

"This person always has an ability and is always given a place within the guard" Eleazar looked to the people who held a gift

"This is all about Alice...he has no one like her" Edward spoke up

"He doesn't have anyone like Thea or Bella either...mind control and a mental shield are incredibly powerful" Esme looked to the duo

"Yeah I'd make that rat looking asshole rip his own head off before he even had the chance to get to us" Thea mumbled leaning into the crook of Rosalie's neck

"That could be why Alice left...but should we do the same?" Bella spoke to herself

"Why does he need witnesses?" Emmet grew curious

"To spread the word that justice has been served, after he slaughters an entire coven of course"  Alistair walked forward

Amun walked forward with his wife "Benjamin, Tia we are leaving"

"And where will you go?" Edward asked them

"I mean what makes you think they'll stop at Alice? Benjamin is insanely powerful what makes you think he's safe? What's stopping them from going after anyone else with a gift?" Christine perked up their willingness to run so quickly making her agitated 

"Their goal isn't punishment it's power. Carlisle might not ask you to fight but I will. For the sake of my family but also for yours" Edward announced his feelings to the room "to give us a chance to live the way we want to live"

"The packs will fight, we've never been afraid of vampires" Jacob stood up confidently

"We will fight" Tanya and her sister agreed

"This isn't the first time I've fought against a kings rule" garret agreed

"We'll join you" Benjamin looked elated to be involved

"No" Amun ordered

"I will do this Amun but you may do as you please" Benjamin shrugged off the order

"We will stand with you" Zafrina and her sister looked to the Cullens and the room was filled with the rest of the group sending out their agreements to the plan and their willingness to fight

"That didn't take much" Vladimir whispered to Stephan

"Let's hope it doesn't come to that" Edward shot his head over

"We'll see" Alistair walked out of the room
"Aro will want us incapacitated when he attacks he will go after Thea and I first since we can anticipate their moves" Edward fiddled with his fingers

"To bad, we don't all have your shield" Garret looked down at Bella

"Doesn't help me fight though" she sighed

"It could help the rest of us if you could project it" Tanya turned to Bella

"What do you mean?" Bella pushed

"I mean shield someone other than yourself" Tanya explained confused as to why Bella didn't it straight away

"Is that possible?" Bella looked to Tanya wide-eyed

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