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Group Name - Never Have I Ever

Group Members - Arlo, Blyke, Cecile, Elaine, Evie, Isen, John, Remi, Seraphina


Arlo: From where?


Arlo: Why?

John: Are you for real?

Remi: Guys please stop texting. I'm getting disturbed by the constant notifications

John: Look behind you @Remi

Remi: Don't look at me like that

Elaine: Lol

Arlo: You all should be focusing on your class.

John: 😒

Isen: I'm sitting in the first row and using my phone in the middle of a class. This is an even bigger flex than being the King of Wellston

John: Do something fun @Isen

Blyke: I'm the King and texting while sitting on the first row in the middle of a class. Beat that

Isen: Bruh

John: @Isen do something fun

Isen: ?

John: Entertain the class

Isen: Why me?

Remi: Don't @Isen

Seraphina: HEYO

John: Where are you camped?

Seraphina: Roof

Arlo: Why are you not attending your class @Seraphina?

Seraphina: So how's everyone doing

Evie: Good

John: Not good

Isen: Did @Arlo just get ignored? 😂

Arlo: @Isen.

Isen: Doing good @Seraphina

John: I'm coming upstairs

Seraphina: Be my guest

Remi: How?

Oh okay. Nevermind

Arlo: @Remi?

Remi: He asked if he could go the toilet

Arlo: Oh my goodness.

Isen: You realise @John if you don't come back in the next 3 minutes, people are gonna think you are doing number two

John: Or maybe they'd be smart enough to assume I was bunking

Isen: I don't think so

Blyke: Even if they don't @Isen, we can tell everybody that John has a bad stomach

Tbh they'd believe me since I'm his roommate

Isen: Hehe evil

Arlo: And you call yourselves royals.

John: Do it @Blyke @Isen and I'll make sure you both end up at the hospital

Cecile: Do it @Blyke. It would be fun

John: You too @Cecile. Start counting your days

Cecile: There are so many, it would take years to count

Isen: Lol

Blyke: Okay wait....

Arlo: What?

John: ?

Isen: OMGGG 😂😂😂😂

Elaine: 😂😂

Blyke: 😂😂

Seraphina: ?

Arlo: Are you all on drugs?

Isen: Blyke just told the professor in front of the whole class that John has loose motion. He won't be coming any time soon. And the whole class is laughing

Arlo: ....

Remi: Not the whole class.


Isen: Now John will stab Blyke in his sleep

John: Oh no no no

I'll wake him up first and make him watch me stab him.

Blyke: 🙂🔪

Seraphina: @John now you can start a rumour about Blyke

John: Nah I only beat him

Blyke: ...

Arlo: You guys are highly distracted.

John: As if you aren't

Arlo: I am not distracted.

John: No you are

Arlo: Do you have any proof?

John: It's in my bag

Arlo: What.

Seraphina: He's just messing with you @Arlo

John: Don't bail me out like that Sera

Isen: The professor just asked Blyke to go check on John if he's doing fine

John: Tomorrow he'll be asking me to check on Blyke... at the hospital..

Blyke: The fuck dude. It was only a joke

Isen: Blyke's getting scared af

Blyke: No way am I scared of him

Isen: Lol sure

Remi: The bell rung. You guys coming for the next class?

John: Nah

Seraphina: Nope

Blyke: Nope

Isen: Nope

Elaine: ...

Evie: We can skip classes just like that?

Arlo: No we cannot.

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