John Is Your Man

344 13 0

Group Name - Truth or Dare

Group Members - Arlo, Blyke, Cecile, Dylan, Elaine, Evie, Isen, John, Remi, Seraphina

Arlo: I need @John ASAP.

Seraphina: Why?

Blyke: He's not in Wellston

Arlo: Where is he then?

Seraphina: New Bostin

Arlo: Ugh fine.

Seraphina: You didn't answer my question

Arlo: Don't plan to.

John: You better.

Seraphina: Hey!

John: Hi!

Isen: Yo!

Remi: Hello!

Evie: Hiii!

Blyke: Heyyy!

Dylan: Heloo!

Arlo: ....

Elaine: Putting the group on mute is a good option @Arlo.

Arlo: Don't you think I've already done that.

Cecile: Leave the group then

Arlo: Don't you think I've thought about it.


Seraphina: Don't you think I've tried that 

John: Lmao

Arlo: Stop making fun of me. 

Isen: Nah

Arlo: @Isen.

Isen: I ain't scared of you. Or anyone

Blyke: Woah

Remi: Way to go buddy!

John: It was good knowing you @Isen. Actually no 

Seraphina: Where did you get this confidence?

Isen: I have stopped fearing people more powerful than me

Cecile: Really?

Why don't you have a fight with @Arlo then?

Isen: I never said I'll fight.

I just won't fear him

Blyke: ...

Arlo: Good to know.

Anyways, @John when are you coming back?

John: Why baby you missing me 😏

Arlo: No.

John: 23rd

Arlo: Okay.

Isen: I sense some romance here

@Seraphina he's stealing your man

Seraphina: He can't

Isen: So you agree that John is your man!

Evie: Woah woah woah

Seraphina: No comments

Isen: @John what do you want to say?

John: John is offline

Isen: Lame...

Remi: Give them their privacy guys

Blyke: Yeah

Isen: Man I wonder what they would be texting in their private chats

Cecile: Get the texts and the article will be yours

Isen: On it Captain!

Arlo: I honestly don't know how you call yourselves the elites of Wellston.


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