Truth or Dare

361 12 5

Group Name - Never Have I Ever

Group Members - Arlo, Blyke, Cecile, Dylan, Elaine, Evie, Isen, John, Remi, Seraphina

Cecile changed the group name from 'Never Have I Ever' to 'Truth or Dare'


Arlo: Don't you idiots have anything else to do?

Blyke: Apparently not

John: Who's going first?

Remi: Please keep it clean

Isen: Yeah right

Seraphina: I'll go first


Truth or Dare?

Elaine: Truth

Seraphina: Did you eat my cupcake yesterday?

Elaine: Yes I did. I'm sorry Seraphina

Isen: Uh wtf

I have better questions

John: @Seraphina really?

Seraphina: Lol okay

Serious question now

@Elaine do you like Arlo?

Arlo: Why are you bringing me in between?

Elaine: I think I've already answered your question about the cupcake. It's my turn now

Seraphina: She's smarter than we thought. Right @Arlo?

Arlo: ....

Elaine: @John

John: Ugh


Elaine: I dare you to tell your feelings to Seraphina

John: This one's easy

@Seraphina I'm feeling windy today 

Seraphina: Wtf does that mean 😂

John: Like I want to fly in the winds lol

Isen: You had one job @Elaine.

Arlo: Why are we playing this again?

Blyke: Your turn John

John: @Isen

Isen: Dare baby. This boy ain't born to speak the truth

Remi: ...

John: Send dirty messages to  Arlo right now on this chat

Arlo: Why the hell does everybody bring me in between.

Remi: I thought we were keeping it clean

Isen: Hey Arlo darling I'm not wearing my underwear..

Come to my dorms. I'm gonna bend you over baby and slowly..


Arlo: ...

Remi: Thank god

John: 😂😂

Blyke: 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Seraphina: Good going

Cecile: 😂😂

Isen: My turn now

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