April Fool's

322 10 1

Group Name - Never Have I Ever

John: I love you Seraphina

Blyke: I love you Remi

Isen: I love you Arlo

Seraphina: What the heck 😂

Remi: Really? I love you too buddy

Arlo: Stay away from me @Isen.

Remi: What is all this @John @Blyke @Isen

John: Just us confessing our feelings 

Arlo: Strange.

Elaine: @Arlo shouldn't you too?

Arlo: I don't have feelings for anyone.

John: Except heirarchy

Isen: Aye

Arlo: That's something which you can always depend on.

Until of course some idiot comes along and ruins it.

John: No autographs

Blyke: Anyways this was an April fools prank

Seraphina: Which was a complete failure

Evie: I believed it

John: Anyone got any other ideas?

Isen: I say we pull a prank on Headmaster Vaughn 

*laughs in evil*

Blyke: This is the unORDINARY universe, not Disney Recess. We can't prank our school principal.

John: Lol

Remi: Loved that show though

Arlo: Excuse me from your unproductive pastimes but I've got some business to take care of.

John: @Arlo can be our next victim

Cecile: I've got a good one.

John: Go ahead

Cecile: @Remi you ask out Zeke on a date

Isen: 🤮

Blyke: Ew why would she do that

Remi: No thank you @Cecile

Seraphina: I'll do it

Cecile: Be my guest

(Personal Chat between Seraphina and Zeke)

(September 7, 20XX)

Zeke: Hey

(Seraphina left it on read)

(April 1, 20XX)

Seraphina: Hi

Zeke: Hi there Seraphina

Seraphina: Has someone ever told you how hot you are?

Zeke: Baby girl I'm the King of April fools. This wouldn't work on me.

Seraphina: No I'm not kidding

Zeke: Bye.

(Back to Group Chat)

Seraphina: He didn't buy it

Cecile: That's surprising

Isen: I have a better one

Who's that blonde dude who hangs out with @Evie?

Blyke: Dylan

Seraphina: Which reminds me why haven't we added him here

John: We should

Isen: Yeah whatever

But first @Evie you ask him out

Evie: Why would I do that? 

Isen: Because it's April fools

Evie: No thank you

Isen: Oh come on

Seraphina: Hey I tried with Zeke..

Evie: Fine then

Seraphina added Dylan to the group 'Never Have I Ever'

Evie: DYLAN!!!

Dylan: ....

Won't work on me

Evie: ??

Dylan: I read the chats above

Isen:  @Seraphina 😡😡

Seraphina: Oh shit I forgot he could read the chats lol

Blyke: You guys are boring me

John: Same here

Elaine: Yeah me too

Isen: Nothing is working here

Got to find a good April fools prank!

Blyke: All the best 

I'm going to take a nap

John: I'll join you

Cecile: Wait what?

Remi: Are they nap buddies?

Seraphina: Gotta go check

Who's coming with me?

Isen: I AM

Remi: Me too

Cecile: Let me get my camera

Blyke: Haha booyah April fools

Isen: Wasn't funny but okay

John: Eh

Arlo: Get a life guys. Get a life.

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