A Glimpse Into The Personal Chat

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This is a glimpse into the personal chat between Arlo and John. Now you should be good people and respect their privacy. But since you have decided to read it anyways, so here you go

(July 30, 20XX)

John: Hapyp brihdaty

Arlo: Thank you.

(November 18, 20XX)

Arlo: Happy birthday.

John: Thkan uoy

(December 25, 20XX)

John: Mreye Crishmtas

Arlo: Same to you.

(January 1, 20XX)

Arlo: Happy new year.

John: Msae to oyu

Arlo: Your writing is atrocious. Make a resolution to change it.

(John left it on read)

(March 4, 20XX)

John: Seen Sera?

Arlo: Nope but what happened to your writing?

John: Wtah baout ti?

Arlo: Why me god. Why me.

(March 11, 20XX)

Arlo: John please.

Please don't do it.

It was a prank.

I was foolish enough to take part in it in the first place.



(March 12, 20XX)

John: Lol

Arlo: Whatever.

John: Yuo earlesi we dnto tlak mcuh hree

Arlo: Yeah after you write so well, I wonder why.

(John left it on read)

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