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"Heyy," I said as I walked into the cafe. My friends were all seated comfortably in a booth seat tucked into the back corner of our favorite cafe--Ray and Benny, the two boys, sitting in the back, Bebe and Sara facing them. Their heads turned and they smiled. "You overslept, love," Sara said, standing up. I slid into the booth next to Bebe and Sara and laughed. "Sorry, Professor Adam's project kept me up all night."
"Ugh, damn him," Bebe muttered. "I was up late too. He's such a stickler. Girls just wanna have fun and we have projects to do!"

"You did kind of pay a lot of money for this," Benny muttered. 

I chuckled. "I got a scholarship because I'm no rich kid."
"You signed up for it, anyway," Sara replied. Ray shot his head toward Sara. "She's not complaining. Bebe is."
"Bebe never complains," Sara said, obviously taking sides. I chuckled and a waitress came over and smiled warmly. "Hello," she said. Her face lit up when she saw me. "...Pardon, are you...erm...Y/N L/N?"

My eyes widened but I nodded hastily. "Yes ma'am, can I help you?"
Benny glanced over at me. "Are you a celebrity?"

"Nope," I replied. "Just an astronomy major..."
"I um, it's...Marie Calliger," she stuttered. I searched my memory for a moment before smiling widely. "Marie! Oh my god, it's been ages!" I slid out of the booth and hugged her,  leaving my friends confused, watching the unprofessional meeting.

"Y/N, oh my, it's been ages. How have you been?"

"Oh, great! I didn't know you were in New York!"

"Yeah, um," she said, "I decided to jump at the film major offer. I have a month off though, so I thought I'd go upstate. And the job...I just...needed some extra money and I know the gal who owns this place." I nodded. "How sweet! You finally jumped at the film? What're you studying?"

"Oh, you know, screenplays, directing, how to manage a camera, producing movies, promo...the whole thing."
"Where are you studying, Marie?" I asked, eager to hear about my middle school friend's adventures into the film business. "New York Film Academy," she said proudly, flashing a smile. "I got a scholarship, same as you...sorry, I couldn't help but overhear."
"Oh, of course, you're good," I chuckled. I could feel my friends' stares on my back as I spoke. She cleared her throat and pulled out a notepad. "Sorry for being unprofessional, what can I get for you?"

"A black coffee, iced, and a piece of paper and a pen!" she pulled out a squared paper from her pocket and a pen and set it on the table, raising an eyebrow. I scribbled down my number and handed it back to her. "If you need anything...or wanna talk," I explained as she picked it up. She smiled gratefully and put it in her pocket. "Thank you so much, Y/N," she said softly. "I'm so glad we met again. What are the chances?"
"I know," I replied. She walked away to get my drink with a smile on her face. I sighed. All my friends looked at me with perked eyebrows. "What the hell?" Ray muttered.

"We were friends in middle school," I explained, "Marie always had a passion for film and I encouraged her to take classes and then go to college. But she moved away in 8th grade and we never saw each other again. It was great we got this turnup, though."

Everyone nodded dubiously, sipping away at their drinks. "She's got a month, but we've got a week," Sara said, changing the subject. "What're we gonna do for spring break?"


A/N: hiii, yes this is another one of those filler chaps but this is important to the plotline so please pay attention (or do not if you don't feel like it tehe). i hope you're all enjoying it, i have so much free time i'm just whipping out chapters <33 enjoy& have a gr8 day. don't be shy, don't be a ghost reader and STAYY COOOL! ~J

p.s. please let me know what you think in the comments, i'd love to hear from you, i'm very friendly (i've been told) and love to talk. feedback is also loved and appreciated! :p 

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