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"Mhm, and I think you're going to get away with it," Timothee chuckled, standing close to me as we took 10 while Marie took an important phone call. "I stole a coke from the fridge bro, is that a crime?"

"Nobody saw it," he said in a sarcastic, low whisper, "it's definitely a crime."

"I wasn't aware you had to pay for the cokes you take from the cast fridge," I replied in a mocking tone. He chuckled. "I dunno, maybe it is."
It was the third day of filming with Marie and the rest of the cast, and out of everyone there, I had spent the most time with my instantly-closest co-star, Timothee. From spontaneous pizza trips to gas station snack pick-ups, we'd hung out almost every day. My original friends had been leaving me on seen for all the days I'd missed hanging out at Ray's place, so eventually I just decided to give up and stopped talking to them completely.

A distressed, dismantled Marie hopped up on a box prop, shoved her phone into her back pocket and turned her frown into a sober, expressionless look. "Listen up, crew," she said in a solemn voice, "filming will be postponed. Grandma's got cancer."
Everyone started talking, and in a blur, everybody rushed over to Marie as she broke down on the box. I froze, watching everybody rush to Marie's side. Timothee even dashed forward, but stopped and turned when he saw me. He walked back. "You good?"

"Fine," I said quickly, grabbing my bag and walking out of the studio. "Sorry to hear about your grandma, Marie," I whispered half-heartedly, so quietly that no one but my bitter self could hear me.

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