update <3

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hi everyone!! <3

before i give u guys a quick update on counting stars and stuff, i just wanted to say a massive thank you to all the people reading this. we're at 3K reads, which is kinda crazy!! at this point i don't like this story as much because i could have written it better, but i'm not gonna remove it, because i don't want to be unfair to all the people that would like to read it. 

first of all, i have a new book out! it has been so  busy lately and i haven't had time to start a story, but i've been working on one called cherry and the first chapter is out finally! it would be super cool if u guys wanted to read it, it's a harry styles fanfic. a little differently written than this one, but it's nice to have variety ;) 

i PROMISE a counting stars sequel will happen. im so excited to tell you i have officially started working on it. you guys can always give me your ideas/something you'd like to see in the sequel if u want! i'm always happy to take advice and ideas from anyone who wants to offer them. 

i think that's it for this update!

thank you all so much for reading + taking time to look at my lil book.

love infinity!

COUNTING STARS | ★ | Timothee Chalamet x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now